A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Solitary Blue Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the girl do when she returns a week later after running away from Jeff and his guitar?
(a) Sings along with him
(b) Brings him a book
(c) Kisses him
(d) She hugs him

2. Jeff suggests that Melody keep the _____________ instead of selling it.
(a) Engagement ring
(b) Car
(c) Jade ring
(d) Painting

3. Melody asks if they can put everything behind them and Jeff says that he ______________.
(a) Thinks that's not fair
(b) Isn't sure
(c) Already has
(d) Never will

4. ____________ tells Jeff he worries he might be losing touch with Jeff again.
(a) Brother Thomas
(b) Phil
(c) The Professor
(d) Andy

5. What does Jeff begin to do as it's the only thing which reminds him of the excitement he felt at the beach?
(a) Shoplifts
(b) Steal cars
(c) Play his guitar
(d) Ride roller coasters

Short Answer Questions

1. Jeff feels that if he didn't keep all of his emotions hidden away, he would fall apart into ______________.

2. What is the reason for Dicey's anger, which quickly passes once she realizes what is happening?

3. Brother Thomas tells Jeff that he will finally have to tell the Professor what he is ______________.

4. Jeff realizes that Melody and his principal at the University School tried to make him believe he wasn't ______________.

5. Phil tells Jeff it must be great to have a _____________ mother like Melody in his life.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Jeff suddenly feel that his life is rich at the start of this chapter?

2. What does Jeff do during the last free period of the day during his sophomore year of high school?

3. Who is waiting for Jeff when he returns from his visit with Melody?

4. When Jeff is asked to write an essay about a real character for his English class, who does he write about?

5. What does Melody say that she is doing with Max which is why she wants to say goodbye to Jeff?

6. What does Melody believe about the reason why Jeff decided to stay with his father instead of with her?

7. What does Wilhemina tell Jeff about the Tillerman family and how they arrived at their current home?

8. What does Jeff realize about the Professor's expectations of him at school?

9. What does Jeff realize about Dicey when Dicey's mother dies?

10. What does Jeff begin to do in order to see Dicey more often, meeting her brother at the same time?

(see the answer keys)

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