A Children’s Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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A Children’s Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Millet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who breaks a window in the cottage in Chapter 7?
(a) Juicy.
(b) Dee.
(c) David.
(d) Jen.

2. When does Eve start to feel hope in Chapter 8?
(a) When she sees the helicopter land on the lawn of the farm.
(b) When her parents arrive.
(c) When the governor takes the deal.
(d) When Burl comes back with the police.

3. Why does Sukey's mother die?
(a) She drowns.
(b) She bleeds too much after having the baby.
(c) She has as stroke.
(d) She gets hit by a car.

4. What color is the barn on the farm?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Red.

5. Who wins the parent game?
(a) Eve.
(b) Dee.
(c) Rafe.
(d) Marshall.

6. What does Jack think Jesus is a metaphor for in the Bible?
(a) Science.
(b) Life.
(c) Treachery.
(d) Love.

7. Why do the parents tell the teenagers not to come back to the house?
(a) The teenagers could get sick too.
(b) The teenagers will not be able to find the house again.
(c) There is not enough food.
(d) The house has collapsed.

8. Who comes to the farm in Chapter 8, surprising the teens?
(a) Alycia.
(b) James.
(c) The twins, Amy and Kay.
(d) The parents.

9. Why does the owner decide to do away with the soldiers?
(a) She says it is the only way to get justice.
(b) She says it is her job because she is law enforcement.
(c) She says they broke her rules.
(d) They have tried once before to rob her.

10. Which of the following is one of the owner's ground rules for the farm?
(a) No planting a garden.
(b) No eating from the silo.
(c) No playing games.
(d) No sex.

11. Who does Eve credit with getting the teenagers to safety?
(a) Effie.
(b) Henry.
(c) Juicy.
(d) Burl.

12. What task does Evie give Jack and Shel to distract them from the grief of Sukey's mother dying?
(a) Finding all the goats.
(b) Mowing the grass.
(c) Picking tomatoes.
(d) Eating apples.

13. What does the owner of the farm look like?
(a) She is young and tall.
(b) She is older and small, dressed all in black.
(c) She is middle-aged and very average looking.
(d) She is very old and wizened, and she walks with a cane.

14. Why do the teens try to get into the burning barn?
(a) They are worried the angels or Burl could be inside.
(b) Eve is worried Jack is in there.
(c) They want to save the soldiers.
(d) They are worried the baby is in there.

15. What illness do the parents end up having?
(a) Malaria.
(b) Covid.
(c) Dengue fever.
(d) Tuberculosis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do all the teenagers' phones start ringing at the same time?

2. What do the teens offer the soldiers?

3. What does Evie tell Jack and Shel to do when the men with guns come?

4. What does Evie overhear the trail angels discussing?

5. What happens to the storms by the time they make it inland?

(see the answer keys)

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