26 Fairmount Avenue Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

26 Fairmount Avenue Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the house when the city moves something out?
(a) It loses value.
(b) It loses road access.
(c) It gets dirty.
(d) It ends up on a hill.

2. Who does Tomie take to see the Disney movie the second time?
(a) Buddy.
(b) Carol.
(c) His father.
(d) Nana Downstairs.

3. How does Tomie feel about the natural disaster that happens at the beginning of the book?
(a) He is ambivalent.
(b) He is amazed.
(c) He is scared.
(d) He is excited.

4. What does the title of the book refer to?
(a) The address of the orphanage.
(b) His mother's childhood home.
(c) The house Tomie's father is building.
(d) A dream Tomie had.

5. What does Tomie draw on the walls before they are finished?
(a) Trees.
(b) His family.
(c) Animals.
(d) His future.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ethnicity is Tomie's family on his mother's side?

2. What word does Tomie use most to describe his family?

3. What does Tomie imagine each time the city takes something out?

4. What does Tomie think saved his new house during the natural disaster?

5. What is the first Disney movie Tomie sees?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Tomie calmed down after getting upset when the walls are finished?

2. What saves Tomie's house from the hurricane?

3. How do Tomie's parents respond to what the city is doing all along Fairmount Avenue?

4. How does Tomie's father plan to finish the house after the big delay?

5. What is Tomie's favorite thing to in his spare time?

6. What does Tomie and his family see during the natural disaster?

7. Who is Carol Crane?

8. What bothered Tomie about the movie "Snow White"?

9. How does Tomie find out about the natural disaster at the beginning of the book?

10. Why are Tomie's favorite movie stars a bit of a surprise?

(see the answer keys)

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