Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The range of human knowledge today creates
(a) specialization.
(b) generation gaps.
(c) an fragmented society.
(d) induction.

2. The Narrator remembers going to a party and drinking too much. He lies down in a back room of the house and wakes up
(a) at home.
(b) in a heart hospital.
(c) in an insane hospital.
(d) riding a motorcycle.

3. Unpacking at the campground is difficult due to
(a) the flashlight's disappearance.
(b) Sylvia's complaining.
(c) the extreme exhaustion of the group.
(d) the lack of help from Chris.

4. The view John and Sylvia have of technology is
(a) that it is a necessary evil, but they can overcome it.
(b) that it should be pursued to enrich human life.
(c) that it is a nuisance to be endured.
(d) that it is a death force that may control them.

5. Doctrinal differences among Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism
(a) are similar those among Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
(b) have started many religious wars over the centuries.
(c) are not worth fighting Holy Wars.
(d) have never been verbalized.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Chris want to do as Chapter 4 ends (their second night)?

2. The Narrator divides human understanding into

3. Phaedrus corresponded with the Northwest Regional Accrediting Association

4. Who are the four people riding motorcycles on a journey?

5. DeWeese had not like the "Church of Minorities" because

Short Essay Questions

1. The breakthrough of blue sky allows the Narrator and Chris to see the top of the ridge they are climbing. At the same time, the Narrator seems to reach a breakthrough in his Chautauqua. What did Phaedrus realize about Quality that was such a breakthrough?

2. What is a priori knowledge and how are time and space examples of a priori knowledge?

3. Sentence fragments are exchanged between the Narrator and the young woman who comes into the classroom. What do we learn about rumors concerning Phaedrus (the Narrator) that circulated in the English department? What do you think is the young woman's role at the university at this time?

4. What are the various symbols of chapter 23 and what do you think they mean?

5. What hoped-for phenomena resulted from the abolition of grades in his classes?

6. What is the Narrator's personality theory of motorcycles? (How does a motorcycle acquire a unique personality? What makes up a motorcycle's personality?)

7. What evidence is there that the Sutherlands and the Narrator disagree about technology?

8. Goethe's poem captures what may be at stake for the Narrator and Chris on this trip or at this point in their lives. Use the discussion of Chris, the ideas of Phaedrus up to this point, and what is said about the poem to explain how the poem captures what is going on in the Narrator's mind.

9. Which question would you prefer to ask your friends: "What's new?" or "What is best?" Which question would you rather have people ask you?

10. How do we know that the Narrator has been on this road, in this town, or at this motel before?

(see the answer keys)

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