Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert M. Pirsig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When you are stuck
(a) you are at the back end of the train of knowledge on the track to reality.
(b) you are at the front end of the train of knowledge, at the track of reality.
(c) you are the engineer of the train of knowledge seeing far into the distance.
(d) the train of knowledge is of no help to you.

2. The resolution of specific problems of conscience, duty or conduct by using or interpreting ethical principles or religious doctrines is called
(a) rationality.
(b) casually.
(c) casuistry.
(d) religionality.

3. Phaedrus was a student at
(a) The University of Chicago but taught at the University of Illinois.
(b) The University of Illinois but taught at the University of Chicago.
(c) The University of Chicago, where he also taught.
(d) The University of Illinois, where he also taught.

4. The Narrator tells a story about camping in the mountains and being surprised by a
(a) deer.
(b) buffalo.
(c) moose.
(d) partridge.

5. The hyped-up, supermodern style of life is another
(a) hang-up.
(b) setback.
(c) tune-up.
(d) letdown.

6. Without the Sutherlands
(a) it is very lonely.
(b) Chris and his dad talk more.
(c) it is more peaceful.
(d) Chris becomes withdrawn.

7. All institutions of the System are based on
(a) intelligent beings.
(b) the Church of Reason.
(c) the ability to teach.
(d) individual weakness.

8. Although Phaedrus was sure he had found the right Ph.D. program, he discovered that his thesis idea was opposed to the views of
(a) the professor of English.
(b) the professor of Philosophy.
(c) the professor of Chinese.
(d) the professor of Greek.

9. When Quality is subtracted from the world as Phaedrus knew it, he discovered that the fine arts disappeared. What else disappeared?
(a) science and technology
(b) work and sports
(c) entertainment and flavors
(d) values and purpose

10. The forest near the bottom of the canyon consists mainly of
(a) pine.
(b) broad-leafed trees.
(c) aspen.
(d) shrubs.

11. When the Narrator and Chris switched from a federal to a state highway, the scenery
(a) changed to high plateaus and canyons.
(b) changed to rolling hills and creeks.
(c) changed to high-tech factories and shopping centers.
(d) changed to old, weathered buildings surrounded by grass and wildflowers.

12. When Quality is subtracted, all EXCEPT the following are true:
(a) Rationality is essentially unchanged.
(b) The world cannot function.
(c) Purely intellectual pursuits are fairly unaffected.
(d) Life becomes very dull and uninteresting.

13. At the end of the chapter,
(a) they passed hundreds of antlike cars in the canyon.
(b) they climb up out of a canyon through a hundred hairpin turns.
(c) they descend into a canyon through a series of hairpin turns.
(d) they stop to look into and across the enormous canyon.

14. Value is all the following EXCEPT
(a) an irrelevant off-shoot of structure.
(b) the predecessor of structure.
(c) the preintellectual awareness.
(d) the leading edge of reality.

15. Phaedrus decided that schools teach people to
(a) learn.
(b) imitate.
(c) create.
(d) initiate.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following statements about modern technology was NOT part of the Narrator's feelings?

2. The most frustrating muscle trap is

3. Phaedrus broke the syndrome of "nothing to say" by having students write about

4. Phaedrus used the number zero as a means of showing

5. The Narrator is so busy with his Chautauqua that he

(see the answer keys)

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