Word of Honor Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Word of Honor Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the hearing is getting underway, what does Corva object to Steven Brandt being referred to as?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Captain.
(c) Soldier.
(d) Medic.

2. How does Picard characterize Tyson's court martial hearing?
(a) As a travesty.
(b) As a never-ending search.
(c) As a mockery.
(d) As justice.

3. In an effort to protect her from publicity surrounding the hospital massacre, who sequestered Teresa in Vietnam?
(a) The CIA.
(b) The Vietnamese government.
(c) The Catholic Church.
(d) The village children.

4. According to Corva, what is the name of the JAG representative taking over for Harper?
(a) General Hayes.
(b) General Gilmer.
(c) General Crane.
(d) General Milligan.

5. How is the testimony of the first witness to take the stand at the court martial characterized?
(a) Serious.
(b) Damaging.
(c) Complicated.
(d) Easy to understand.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the trial lets out for the day, who does Tyson run into on the walk between Corva's assigned quarters and the house Tyson and his family are assigned to?

2. According to military law, how many votes taken when the panel is deliberating can be made by secret ballot?

3. According to his statement, who first told Picard the story of the hospital massacre?

4. According to the trial's first witness, what did Tyson and four men do at the burial mound?

5. According to the testimony given, where did the platoon sit down and decide what story they would all hold to regarding the events at the hospital?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is one of Ben's main objections to Marcy's plans to return to work?

2. As the witnesses discuss the potential hit on Brandt, what does Tyson interrupt the conversation to tell the men?

3. Tyson and Corva have the option of eliminating one member from the panel that serves as the jury for the court martial. What do Tyson and Corva base their elimination decision on?

4. As Tyson and his platoon left the hospital after the massacre, what did Tyson hope no one would be able to tell?

5. Why is Corva pleased that the panel takes more than a few hours to return their verdict?

6. As the court martial approaches, what does Corva remind Tyson will happen if Tyson is ordered to tell the truth?

7. When the rabbi is asked about giving up his office for Corva and Tyson to use, what does the rabbit say?

8. Describe the appearance of Richard Farley at the court martial trial.

9. According to Sproule, what is the purpose of the trial?

10. When Steven Brandt is on the stand, what does Brandt say was his impression of Tyson while the platoon was in the operating room?

(see the answer keys)

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