Wolves of the Calla Test | Final Test - Medium

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Wolves of the Calla Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 1, what does Roland tell Eddie he wants him to do?
(a) Go through the Unfound Door and buy the vacant lot from the secondhand book store owner.
(b) Replace him as leader of the ka-tet should something happen to Roland.
(c) Keep an eye on Father Callahan and make sure he doesn't begin to turn the villagers against Roland and the rest of the ka-tet.
(d) Take Susannah and leave the ka-tet.

2. With what were the mobsters threatening Calvin Tower?
(a) They claimed they would kill him.
(b) They told him that they would burn his rare book collection.
(c) They said that they would burn down his shop.
(d) One of them said he would make false accusations to the police against Calvin.

3. What does Jamie know about the Wolves?
(a) He knows who controls the Wolves and why they come.
(b) That when he was younger, he and his friends fought the Wolves, and the Wolves killed all of his friends; but first, one of the girls in the group threw a plate at a Wolf's head and chopped it off, and that is when Jamie saw what was underneath the Wolf's mask.
(c) He knows what the Wolves do with the children.
(d) He knows that they cannot be killed, even by a silver bullet.

4. During his visit to New York to see Magruder, Callahan takes a walk through NYC. During this walk, what happens to Callahan?
(a) He is jumped on the street by two men who pull him into an empty laundromat and start to carve a swastika on his forehead.
(b) He gets lost and cannot find his way back to the hospital Magruder is staying in.
(c) He has a vision where he sees God and recognizes the vision as his calling to clean up his life and get back to the priesthood where he belongs.
(d) He gets very drunk and he begins to cough up blood, which scares him very badly.

5. What does Jake feel guilty about?
(a) That he betrayed his good friend Benny by telling Roland and the others about what he saw Benny's father doing.
(b) Jake does not feel guilty about anything at this point in the story.
(c) About having such a good time with his friend Benny while the other members of the ka-tet have so many responsibilities.
(d) About befriending Benny and then discovering what Mr. Slightman is up to.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eddie convince Calvin to do?

2. What is Roland's response to Eddie's thoughts about Mr. Slightman being corrupt?

3. In Part 2, Chapter 8, why doesn't Jake tell Roland what he saw?

4. How does Roland respond to this conversation with Overholser at the Pavillion?

5. While Eddie, Jake, and Susannah are gone in Part 2, Chapter 8, what happens to Roland?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the beginning of Part 3, Chapter 1, what idea does Roland present to Father Callahan?

2. What is Father Callahan's response to Roland's request regarding Susannah and her pregnancy?

3. How does Eddie defeat Andy?

4. In Part 2, Chapter 7, Jake is able to see into Susannah's dream. What does this tell the audience about Jake?

5. In Part 3, Chapter 5, Tian Jaffords calls a town meeting to discuss the plan to battle the Wolves. What does Roland tell the crowd at this meeting?

6. While Father Callahan is gone looking for Calvin Tower, what does Roland discover?

7. What does Susannah learn to do in Part 3, Chapter 1?

8. How does Roland think throwing the plate will help defeat the Wolves?

9. What does Jake tell everyone in Part 3, Chapter 4?

10. What does Jamie Jaffords tell Eddie after Eddie and Susannah have dinner with Tian Jaffords and his family?

(see the answer keys)

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