Wizard and Glass Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wizard and Glass Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jonas make it look like it was boys who visited their bunkhouse?
(a) He sets fire to it.
(b) He vandalizes it.
(c) He leaves kids clothes there.
(d) He leaves a note.

2. What item of Cuthbert's does Jonas find in Citgo?
(a) His boning knife.
(b) His rook's skull.
(c) His slingshot.
(d) His gold chain.

3. Who suspects that Susan and Roland are having an affair in this chapter?
(a) Cordelia.
(b) Jonas.
(c) Rhea.
(d) The mayor.

4. What does Rhea do with the dead snake?
(a) Buries it.
(b) Cooks it.
(c) Feeds it to her cat.
(d) Puts it around her neck.

5. Which of Rhea's animals does Roland kill?
(a) Her cat.
(b) Her dog.
(c) Her rat.
(d) Her snake.

6. What kind of smile does Jonas favor Lantiago with?
(a) A summery smile.
(b) A breezy smile.
(c) A wintry smile.
(d) A gloomy smile.

7. What do Roland and his friends use to set fire to the oil derricks?
(a) Firecrackers.
(b) Matches.
(c) Fireworks.
(d) Flame throwers.

8. What does Roland promise they will send a letter home about?
(a) Things they have found.
(b) Their contact details.
(c) The need for more weapons.
(d) People they have met.

9. What color does Walter like to wear?
(a) Pink.
(b) Black.
(c) Orange.
(d) Blue.

10. Why does Jonas say he is suspicious of the boys in this section?
(a) They are carrying no guns.
(b) They are more sly than they first appeared.
(c) They are giving them what they want.
(d) They seem defensive.

11. How does Cuthbert suprise Roland in this section?
(a) He kisses him.
(b) He punches him in the face.
(c) He pulls his gun on him.
(d) He trips him up.

12. What does Jonas take away from Rhea in this section?
(a) The wizard's glass.
(b) The slingshot.
(c) Her dead snake.
(d) Her cat.

13. Who agrees to help Sheemie free Susan?
(a) Eldred Jonas.
(b) Olive Thorin.
(c) Cordelia Delgado.
(d) Coral Thorin.

14. Which two characters does Susan kill in this section?
(a) Dave Hollis and Sheriff Avery.
(b) Jonas and Farson.
(c) Walter and Depape.
(d) Cuthbert and Alain.

15. Who follows Jonas when he leaves to capture Susan?
(a) Sheemie.
(b) Davis.
(c) Cuthbert.
(d) Roland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does ka-tet mean?

2. What do the gunslingers use the fireworks for?

3. What does Roland choose over Susan?

4. Where does Thorin imprison Susan?

5. What does the cat signify when it jumps on the inn's bar?

(see the answer keys)

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