What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Final Test - Easy

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who greets Al when Al goes to Sammy's apartment in New York in Chapter Ten?
(a) Sheik Duncan, Sammy's childhood arch bully.
(b) Israel Glickstein, Sammy's brother.
(c) Kit.
(d) Sammy himself.

2. At the end of Chapter Twelve, when Al says he was waiting for justice to rise over Sammy, what does he mean?
(a) He hopes Sammy will go to jail.
(b) He wants Sammy to get what is coming to him.
(c) He is willing Sammy's death.
(d) He hopes Sammy gets the best.

3. In Chapter Eight, who does Al get a job with?
(a) Sidney Fineman.
(b) The New York Reporter.
(c) The Writer's Guild.
(d) The L.A. Times.

4. What does Al realize about Sammy's play, "Live Wire?"
(a) Sammy stole Al's manuscript idea.
(b) He took the idea from Al's favorite comic book.
(c) The play was terrible.
(d) Sammy has modeled the play after "The Front Page."

5. What does Sammy tell Al when Al asks him if he loves Ruth Mintz?
(a) He doesn't know what love is.
(b) He would rather have Kit.
(c) He says she is the woman of his dreams.
(d) He asks how he would have time to love anyone.

6. In Chapter Ten, what kind of deal does Sammy offer Al?
(a) He wants Al to be his secretary.
(b) He wants him to return to Hollywood to write a movie about a newspaper office.
(c) He wants to sell Al the rights to all of his plays.
(d) He asks Al to be his permanent writing partner.

7. In Chapter Twelve, why does Sammy call Al over late in the night?
(a) He needs Al's help writing a script.
(b) Laurette has left him.
(c) He wants to party.
(d) He wants Al to take him home.

8. In Chapter Eight, when they are at lunch, what news does Julian give to Al and Sammy?
(a) He has decided to quit and return to New York City.
(b) He has left his wife for Billie.
(c) He and his wife have bought a cottage and they are having a baby.
(d) He is very ill.

9. Some of the members of the Guild want to exclude others. Who do they want to exclude?
(a) Writers from the South.
(b) Unpublished writers and writers who are still in school.
(c) Wealthy writers and those in the big business.
(d) Writers who are not wealthy and those who are outsiders.

10. Who does The Guild seek help from?
(a) The Northern Author's League.
(b) The Bank of Hollywood.
(c) The Southern Writer's Association.
(d) The Los Angeles Writer's Association.

11. What does Al tell Mrs. Glickstein when she asks about Sammy in Chapter Nine?
(a) Sammy holds himself on a pedestal.
(b) Sammy is a liar and he'll get what he deserves.
(c) Sammy is doing well and Sammy is always thinking of her.
(d) Sammy is never satisfied.

12. How does Al picture Sammy when Sammy returns to his mother's home?
(a) As a traitor.
(b) As a man who has lost himself.
(c) As a well dressed hero.
(d) As a humble man.

13. In the end of the book, what realization does Al come to about Sammy?
(a) Sammy is his only true friend.
(b) Sammy is heartless.
(c) He is just as successful as Sammy.
(d) Sammy is all alone.

14. Why didn't Sammy have his Bar-mitzvah?
(a) Sammy refused because he did not believe in it.
(b) The Rabbi caught Sammy stealing from the temple.
(c) His parents could not afford it.
(d) The Rabbi told his father Sammy was not allowed because he did not practice his faith.

15. In Chapter Seven, what does Al say he has written a play about?
(a) His childhood.
(b) Hollywood scandals.
(c) A Rabbi in a town filled with anti-semitism.
(d) What makes Sammy run.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rumor follows Sidney Fineman's death?

2. In the conclusion of the book. what does Al say he hopes for Sammy's life?

3. How does Harrington feel about Sammy marrying his daughter?

4. Why does Laurette think Sammy married her?

5. How does Al feel about his first project at his new job in Chapter Eight?

(see the answer keys)

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