What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Four, what conclusion does Al come to about his friendship with Sammy?
(a) Sammy is to unpredictable and hard to get along with.
(b) He will always look up to him.
(c) He will never fully know Sammy or understand him.
(d) Al thinks of Sammy as his best friend and his worst enemy.

2. What bothers Al about Kit in Chapter Five?
(a) She appears to be detached from everything going on around her.
(b) The way she made herself at home at Sammy's place.
(c) She acts insincere towards him and Sammy.
(d) She is too quiet.

3. In Chapter Six, what does Al help Julian with?
(a) Approaching Sammy about being unfair.
(b) Breaking into Sammy's studio and stealing his money.
(c) Convincing his wife to write scripts.
(d) Buying a house.

4. What does Al mean when he says his own voice is filled with inadequacy?
(a) He has lost his voice.
(b) He is incapable of being creative.
(c) Everything he tries to express is absurd.
(d) He is unable to argue with pride.

5. How does Sammy react to Al when Al approaches him?
(a) Sammy gets angry.
(b) Sammy leaves the room.
(c) He begins to cry.
(d) He tells him Al will never understand his problems.

6. What is Sammy's job at the paper?
(a) A writer.
(b) A copy boy.
(c) An editor.
(d) A delivery boy.

7. When Al asks Sammy how he can read when he's running so fast, how does Sammy answer?
(a) He has good eye sight.
(b) He can't read when he's running.
(c) He learned to read when he was running errands.
(d) He tells him he doesn't know how he does it.

8. How does Sammy convince Selznick to buy the manuscript?
(a) He doesn't convince him because Selznick will buy anything.
(b) He says it's in demand and worth the investment.
(c) He performs the manuscript over the phone.
(d) He tells him he can have all of the profit.

9. How does Al feel about Sammy helping Julian?
(a) Excited for Sammy to have the opportunity.
(b) Angry that Julian didn't first approach him.
(c) Indifferent towards the situation.
(d) Suspicious of Sammy's motives.

10. How does Sammy act during the premier in Chapter Five?
(a) He can't wait for the premier to be over because he never wanted the fame in the first place.
(b) Uncomfortable because he is afraid of being caught in his lies.
(c) Nervous, but happy to be in the light.
(d) As if he needs constant reassurance and support.

11. In Chapter Two, how does Sammy betray Julian?
(a) He renames Julian's manuscript and claims it for his own.
(b) He gives Al permission to do whatever he wants with the manuscript.
(c) He sells the manuscript under Julian's name, but changes then name.
(d) He publishes Julian's manuscript in the paper without Julian's consent and he renames it.

12. In Chapter Two, Al says there are two kinds of self-made men. One reflects on their success as patriotic and remembers all of the details of their success. How does he describe the second type?
(a) He never explains the second type.
(b) As stopping when they reach a certain point.
(c) As never realizing their success and being surprised by where they are in life.
(d) As rushing forward and never looking back to remember where they came from.

13. Why does Al make a mistake on his article?
(a) He didn't double check his work.
(b) He forgot to wear his glasses.
(c) He has a sleeping problem.
(d) He's drunk.

14. When Al says he composed a short history of Sammy Glick, how does he explain Sammy's progress?
(a) A series of coincidences.
(b) Unexplainable and unfathomable.
(c) Very American: full of opportunity and speed.
(d) Pure luck.

15. After they are intimate, what question does Al ask Billie?
(a) What she wants out of life.
(b) How many men she has been with.
(c) Where she sees herself in the next ten years.
(d) If she would ever consider marrying him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Al's mistake in his article?

2. What does Rosalie ask of Al in Chapter Three?

3. How does Al feel about what Sammy has done to Rosalie?

4. Al calls Sammy when he first arrives in Hollywood in Chapter Three. What does Sammy talk to him about?

5. What explanation does Sammy give for taking the job at The Record?

(see the answer keys)

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