What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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What Makes Sammy Run? Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After they are intimate, what question does Al ask Billie?
(a) How many men she has been with.
(b) If she would ever consider marrying him.
(c) What she wants out of life.
(d) Where she sees herself in the next ten years.

2. Why does Rosalie Goldbaum call Al in Chapter Three?
(a) She wants to talk to Al about a promotion at the paper.
(b) She wants Al to help her sell an article.
(c) She is trying to get a hold of Sammy.
(d) She thinks she is pregnant with Sammy's child.

3. Why is Al surprised by the car Sammy drives?
(a) Sammy stole it.
(b) It's a heap of trash.
(c) It's expensive.
(d) It's modest.

4. Why is Al first intrigued by Sammy?
(a) Sammy is strongly motivated.
(b) Sammy makes him laugh.
(c) Al thinks Sammy might be his son.
(d) Al Manheim feels like he wants to scream when he meets Sammy.

5. What does Julian talk to Al about when the two meet for lunch for the first time in Hollywood in Chapter Six?
(a) He is completely silent and leaves after a few minutes
(b) His fame and success.
(c) The promises Sammy has made to him.
(d) He asks Al to kill Sammy.

6. In Chapter Two, Al says there are two kinds of self-made men. One reflects on their success as patriotic and remembers all of the details of their success. How does he describe the second type?
(a) As rushing forward and never looking back to remember where they came from.
(b) As never realizing their success and being surprised by where they are in life.
(c) As stopping when they reach a certain point.
(d) He never explains the second type.

7. Who is Julian Blumberg?
(a) A well established journalist.
(b) An editor.
(c) A famous author.
(d) An aspiring writer.

8. In Chapter Two, how much does the manuscript end up selling for?
(a) Ten grand.
(b) Eight grand.
(c) Fifty thousand.
(d) Seventy thousand.

9. What kind of review does Sammy's movie receive in Chapter Five?
(a) The movie is called a bore.
(b) The film gets one star.
(c) The movie is called a smash.
(d) Middle of the road.

10. How does O'Brien thank Sammy for helping with the article?
(a) He doesn't thank him because he is ashamed.
(b) He takes him out to dinner.
(c) He gives him a gift and charges Al for it.
(d) With a promotion.

11. How does Sammy land the job at World-Wide in Hollywood?
(a) He convinces the company he is a good fit.
(b) His agent sold him to the company on the strength of the story.
(c) Al gives him a good recommendation.
(d) He pays his way in.

12. What does Al approach Sammy about in Chapter Six?
(a) He thinks Sammy stole his script.
(b) Al wants to leave the business.
(c) Sammy is cheating on his girlfriend.
(d) Treating Julian unfairly.

13. In Chapter Six, once Julian and Sammy get together in Hollywood, why do they get into an argument?
(a) Sammy tricks Julian into writing another manuscript for him.
(b) They are both in love with the same woman.
(c) Julian threatens to call the police on Sammy.
(d) Sammy accuses Julian of trying to steal his glory.

14. In Chapter Four, when Al and Billie dance, what does she say about Sammy Glick?
(a) She thinks he is just the same as everyone else in Hollywood.
(b) She admits she is taken by Sammy.
(c) She thinks he is an imposter.
(d) She thinks of him as a partner and a potential agent.

15. In Chapter Four, where does Al meet Sammy for their night out?
(a) At Sammy's apartment.
(b) At the newspaper office.
(c) At the restaurant.
(d) In a dark alley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Al mean when he says his own voice is filled with inadequacy?

2. Why does Al think of himself as an idealist?

3. What explanation does Sammy give for taking the job at The Record?

4. What is Sammy's advice to Al regarding work in Chapter Three?

5. At the end of Chapter Five, Sammy's face explodes around Al as if it is:

(see the answer keys)

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