What Makes Sammy Run? Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

What Makes Sammy Run? Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Nine.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As a child, how did Sammy make his seventy-five cents?
(a) He robbed the temple.
(b) He stole it from his father's wallet.
(c) He let Christians convert him.
(d) He sold stolen goods on the street.

2. Why did Sheik beat up Sammy every day of their childhood?
(a) Sheik bullied everyone.
(b) Because Sammy is Jewish.
(c) Sammy stole from his family.
(d) Sammy made fun of him.

3. What does Al give to Rosalie after dinner in Chapter Three?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A new coat.
(c) Twenty-five dollars.
(d) A ticket to Hollywood.

4. After Al arrives in Hollywood, when does he meet up with Sammy in Chapter Three?
(a) They meet for lunch.
(b) They run into one another on the street.
(c) At an expensive cigar club.
(d) In a bar.

5. How does Sammy's brother, Israel, feel about his own job at The Settlement?
(a) As if he can never get enough work done because poverty is an endless cycle.
(b) As if he is making a difference and things will improve.
(c) He wishes he had Sammy's job.
(d) As if he is tied down and does not care about his work.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sammy promise Rosalie before he leaves for Hollywood?

2. What does Al tell Mrs. Glickstein when she asks about Sammy in Chapter Nine?

3. What is Sammy dressed like when Al goes to see him for the first time in Hollywood?

4. How does Sammy react to Al when Al approaches him?

5. In Chapter Six, once Julian and Sammy get together in Hollywood, why do they get into an argument?

(see the answer key)

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