Unwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Risa on the way to the harvest camp?

2. Why does the 19 year old mother decide to "stork" her baby?

3. How does Connor feel about Lev?

4. What is Risa's reaction to being told she is destined for a harvest camp?

5. What does Risa think when she sees pieces of trash in the woods?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter 21 Lev meets Cyrus Finch, CyFi for short. How is his name a play on words?

2. In chapter 24, Risa is almost raped by Roland. What does her anger at Connor tell the reader about her feelings for Connor?

3. What feelings does Lev's betrayal create in Connor and Risa?

4. What happens in chapter 2 that prompts Risa to run away from the bus?

5. In chapter 7, the Unwinds find themselves in the woods for the night. Why is their ability to trust each other imperative?

6. How does Lev justify leading the cops to Risa and Connor in chapter 17?

7. What might have been Roland's motive when he attacked Risa in chapter 24?

8. Why does Risa feel that Connor is in danger from Roland in chapter 22?

9. How does Risa's plan to test Lev fail at the end of chapter 8?

10. In chapter 22 Roland arrives at the warehouse. Why does he want to fight Connor so badly?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Lev's parents are very religious people. In their view of faith, having Lev unwound is the ultimate show of love to their God. Lev himself believes that being a tithe gives him a unique and special purpose in life. However, as the story progresses, Lev begins to see tithing in a very different way. He also begins to look at Unwinds differently.

Give 4 instances in which Lev's belief in tithing has been challenged.

Explain how the challenge effects Lev's mental status.

Discuss how these instances change Lev's character.

Essay Topic 2

Runaway Unwinds are hiding in the basement of Sonia's antique store. After they leave there, they are shipped to various secret locations before being sent to the Graveyard. Unwinds are hidden in the hopes that they will stay undiscovered until they obtain freedom on their 18th birthday.

Explain how Unwinds might be compared runaway slaves in the U.S. pre-Civil War era. How are their circumstances similar? How are their living conditions similar? Discuss how the human rights of both Unwinds and US slaves were violated. Provide examples to support your assertions. Do you think creating a parallel between Unwinds and slaves is a useful way to help the reader understand and sympathize with the Unwinds? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

In the book, unwanted babies are "storked." Meaning they are left on the doorstep of unsuspecting people's homes. In reality some states allow mothers to abandon their unwanted babies at hospitals or police stations.

1) Is this the same as "storking"? Why or why not?

2) How do you feel about "storking" as it is presented in the book? Why do you feel the way you do?

3) How do you feel about the current laws that allow children to be abandoned at hospitals and police stations? Why do you feel the way you do?

4) Come up with as solution (other than abortion or adoption) to assist unwanted children in today's society.

(see the answer keys)

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