Unwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Unwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Risa and her friend Tina similar?
(a) They are being Unwound because of budget cuts.
(b) They were both harassed by Roland.
(c) They were both musicians at the same school.
(d) They have the same hair color.

2. Who tends to Connor after he emerges from the "chop shop" after the explosion?
(a) Dalton.
(b) Risa.
(c) Lev.
(d) The priest.

3. What does Connor think when he sees Risa playing piano?
(a) He misses her and wishes he could see her again.
(b) He admires her talent.
(c) He wishes he could be on the roof too.
(d) He is upset that she is being treated differently.

4. What does Connor do when he sees Lev again?
(a) Punches him and then hugs him.
(b) Cries like a baby.
(c) Tells him he was wrong about him.
(d) Asks him if he brought CyFi.

5. How is Risa treated by the counselor who interviews her?
(a) The woman thinks Risa is a joker.
(b) Like a genius.
(c) The woman is impressed by her medic skills.
(d) Like she is an imbecile.

6. Why do the Unwinds look forward to "work calls"?
(a) They will get extra pay.
(b) It is a way to meet other Unwinds.
(c) It is a chance to go out into the world.
(d) They will get to camp in the desert.

7. Who does Connor think he sees when the new Unwinds arrive?
(a) The Admiral.
(b) CyFi.
(c) Lev.
(d) Didi.

8. Why is Roland scheduled to be unwound immediately?
(a) He was reported for fighting.
(b) He requested to be unwound now.
(c) His lungs are needed.
(d) His bloodtype is rare and in demand.

9. How does Risa characterize the "new" Lev?
(a) As cold and hard.
(b) As dismissive.
(c) As religious.
(d) As friendly and trusting.

10. What happens to Risa at the camp?
(a) She has a spiritual awakening.
(b) She is assigned to play piano for incoming Unwinds.
(c) She is assigned to the "chop shop."
(d) She is taken away with the tithes.

11. Most of the Unwinds like Roland, but how do they feel about Connor?
(a) They are afraid of him.
(b) They respect him.
(c) They think he is a liar.
(d) They do not trust him.

12. How do Lev, Mai and Blaine stop Connor's unwinding?
(a) They intercept Connor on his way to the "chop shop."
(b) They blow up the "chop shop."
(c) They stage a protest.
(d) They shoot a guard.

13. Who does Connor credit for having helped him change?
(a) Roland.
(b) His fellow mechanics.
(c) The Admiral.
(d) Risa.

14. Why is CyFi so desperate to go to Joplin, Mo?
(a) He wants to see his parents.
(b) It is a place he read about in a book.
(c) He wants Lev to see his hometown.
(d) It is where his donor Unwind was from.

15. How long does it take for a person to be Unwound?
(a) Thirty minutes.
(b) Two hours.
(c) Sixty minutes.
(d) Three hours.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the counselor tell Roland about Connor?

2. Why are the Unwinds told to stay out of the open desert?

3. What plan does Roland try to get Connor involved in?

4. What name is Connor known by at the camp?

5. Why are band members kept at the camp for a longer time than others?

(see the answer keys)

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