Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Understanding Comics Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What aspect of comics has been especially sensitive to changes in technology?
(a) Artists
(b) Length
(c) Contents
(d) Color

2. What drawing style did Jooste Swarte use to depict cool sophistication and irony?
(a) Thick black lines
(b) Crisp elegant lines and jazzy designs
(c) Polite jagged lines
(d) Large gutters and thin uneven lines

3. What fruit is used to illustrate the path of creating art?
(a) Apple
(b) Orange
(c) Peach
(d) Banana

4. Which of the following is true, according to historical evidence?
(a) Pictures and spoken word developed simultaneously.
(b) Written word predates pictures.
(c) Written word predate spoken word.
(d) Pictures predate written word.

5. The combination of printed art and literature has traditionally been thought of as a style for which audience?
(a) Elders
(b) Adults
(c) Adolescents
(d) Children

6. In the time after the printing press, which art form was obsessed with resemblance, light and color?
(a) Spoken word
(b) Visual arts
(c) Music
(d) Written word

7. Which is true of most written languages?
(a) They are not abstract.
(b) They sound how they look.
(c) They bear traces of their ancient pictorial heritage (e.g. Chinese).
(d) They represent sound only and lose resemblance to the visible world.

8. What kind of combination uses words and pictures on separate courses with no intersection?
(a) Additive
(b) Montage
(c) Parallel
(d) Duo-Specific

9. Which of the following is NOT an example of possible primitive art?
(a) Kicking and moving arms
(b) Running from a sabertooth tiger
(c) Beating a pair of stones together
(d) Drawing lines in the dirt with a stick

10. Which of the following artists was NOT known for a more subjective palette?
(a) Moebius
(b) Clavelous
(c) Herges
(d) Caza

11. The order and emphasis of which two steps demonstrates the most dramatic difference?
(a) Form and structure
(b) Idiom and Form
(c) Idiom and idea/purpose
(d) Form and idea/purpose

12. What combination has words that amplify or elaborate on an image, or vice versa?
(a) Inter-dependent
(b) Duo-specific
(c) Additive
(d) Montage

13. Who was the creator of Uncle $crooge?
(a) R. Crumb
(b) Krystine Kryttre
(c) Chester Gould
(d) Carl Park

14. Aside from the central figure in an image, where else can emotion be depicted?
(a) Silent caption
(b) Gutters
(c) Foreground
(d) Background

15. The masters of flat-color comics are also masters of what?
(a) Purpose and surface
(b) Shading and structure
(c) Idiom and meaning
(d) Form and composition

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year were the three additive primaries isolated?

2. The creation of work in any medium will follow a certain path containing how many steps?

3. What step finishes the first superficial exposure to the work?

4. Which of the following is NOT a form of self-expression and communication?

5. What kind of combination treats words as integral parts of the picture?

(see the answer keys)

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