Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Test | Final Test - Easy

Jay Haley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Test | Final Test - Easy

Jay Haley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once Erickson helped the family of the boy with the sore, it cured the boy of his festering sore and the _______ behavior that had accompanied it.
(a) Demonstrative.
(b) Emotional.
(c) Destructive.
(d) Quasi-compulsive.

2. Attendance at therapy permits Erickson to instruct the couple through an intervention how to enable them to do what?
(a) Understand their past.
(b) Understand each other.
(c) Understand their feelings.
(d) Make needed changes.

3. In what year was the book published?
(a) 1973.
(b) 1990.
(c) 1980.
(d) 1955.

4. Who is the patient Mesmer took in Chapter 8?
(a) Miss Sarah.
(b) Miss Paradis.
(c) Miss Chatworth.
(d) Miss Duonet.

5. Erickson is _____ if a husband goes so far as to show up to set the therapist straight on some ways that the therapist has been wrong.
(a) Discontent.
(b) Upset.
(c) Content.
(d) Angry.

6. In one example in Chapter 8, a girl's _______ needed improvement, and she needed to lose a lot of weight.
(a) Body image.
(b) Social life.
(c) Sense of style.
(d) Family life.

7. Chapter 7 deals with issues of what?
(a) Old age and dying.
(b) Childbirth.
(c) Friendships.
(d) Marriage and family dilemmas

8. Haley notes in Chapter 8 that people may or may not recognize that they need to be _______ their own children.
(a) Weaned off.
(b) Assisted by.
(c) Taught by.
(d) Left by.

9. Erickson restricts himself to the truth, which Haley points out as a means that distinguishes him from those seeking to be _____ rather than those who are forthright and have an interest in the welfare of the client.
(a) Helpful.
(b) Interrogative.
(c) Manipulative.
(d) Impulsive.

10. In one case of a wife who dominated her husband in Chapter 7, if a caller on the phone wouldn't announce who they were she would do what?
(a) Cry.
(b) Scream.
(c) Accuse her husband of adultery.
(d) Hang up.

11. Erickson keyed into the young woman from the car accident's problems when after much probing, he learned that an elder sister had left home, married against the parents' wishes and was now ______.
(a) Suicidal.
(b) Going to have a baby.
(c) In rehab.
(d) Hospitalized.

12. Erickson feels that when the circumstances of a patient need to be changed, it is wrong to prevent healthy growth by substituting ______ for good therapy.
(a) Family treatment.
(b) Sedatives.
(c) Friendly advice.
(d) Self-help books.

13. Erickson believes that normally, the problem extends beyond the substance abuser and what is needed is actually a change of what?
(a) Surroundings.
(b) Habituated behavior.
(c) Friends.
(d) Circumstances.

14. Haley reports that power struggles about who is _____ in a marriage are quite normal during the early years.
(a) Submissive.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Unhappy.
(d) Dominant.

15. Haley observes that there are repercussions throughout the family system (meaning people of the families that led up to this union are affected by the turn of events) when what occurs?
(a) The death of a parent.
(b) The death of a grandparent.
(c) The intersection of families.
(d) The arrival of offspring.

Short Answer Questions

1. Haley touches on what has come to be referred to as ______ or maternal psychosis. In the most extreme cases, the mother might be hospitalized.

2. There are numerous cases referred to in Chapter 6. One is about a sore that festered for how long?

3. The case study in Chapter 8 of the girl with body issues concludes showing this young woman succeeds in marrying but not without a conflict about whether to do what regarding her mother?

4. Erickson accepted a client, a young woman who was living with her parents at an age when many other people's children had left home. She had been in a car accident and after recovering had undergone months of what?

5. The husband who threatens to kill his wife about the gender of their child is of what occupation?

(see the answer keys)

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