Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what time is the murder alleged to have occurred?
(a) Just after midnight.
(b) Around midday.
(c) In the afternoon.
(d) Early in the morning.

2. Apart from the defendant, who was arrested for handling a weapon?
(a) The witness who took the weapon until the police arrived.
(b) The friend of the defendant.
(c) The storekeeper who sold the defendant a weapon.
(d) Juror Eight.

3. Which juror rebukes Juror Ten for his racist comment?
(a) Juror Seven.
(b) Juror Eight.
(c) The foreman.
(d) Juror Nine.

4. What two types of prejudice are evident in the comments of some of the jurors during Act 1?
(a) Color prejudice and racial prejudice.
(b) Prejudice against the poor and prejudice against the uneducated.
(c) Prejudice against foreigners and class prejudice.
(d) Prejudice against some ethnic groups and prejudice against people from certain areas.

5. According to one witness, where in the apartment building did the murder occur?
(a) Downstairs.
(b) Upstairs.
(c) On the landing.
(d) On the staircase.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the dissenting juror discredit the allegation that the murder weapon is unique?

2. Where does the old man who testifies for the prosecution live?

3. How does the dissenting juror suggest that the jury should proceed instead of declaring a "hung" jury?

4. Why was the alleged eyewitness awake at the time of the murder?

5. According to one of the witnesses, what was the defendant alleged to have shouted out to his father on the night of the murder?

Short Essay Questions

1. What important instructions does the judge give to the jurors as they depart to deliberate on the case?

2. When Juror Two states that the defendant is guilty because no one proved his innocence, the writer uses the opportunity to establish two important principles of due process. What are these principles and why does the writer have Juror Eight explain them?

3. What is the defendant's alibi and how does Juror Four respond to it?

4. How does the old man's testimony implicate the defendant?

5. What additional suggestion does Juror Four make in Act I to support his assertion that the defendant is guilty?

6. Which juror refers to the defendant's criminal record, and what does this consist of?

7. What assumptions do the jurors make about Juror Eight's vote, and how do they decide to respond?

8. What clarification do the jurors receive about the conditions under which the woman is alleged to have seen the murder?

9. What is Juror Ten's contribution to the discussion of the evidence?

10. What additional evidence that incriminates the defendant does Juror Three present to the jury in Act I?

(see the answer keys)

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