Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After eleven jurors vote "guilty" and one juror votes "not guilty", what process do the jurors decide on in order to resolve the matter?
(a) They decide to separate into two groups and discuss different aspects of the evidence.
(b) They decide to take in a verdict of "undecided".
(c) They decide to re-examine the evidence.
(d) They decide that the eleven men should each take a turn to explain to the dissenting juror why he is wrong.

2. What important facts are revealed about the circumstances of the defendant's life by the juror who votes "not guilty" in the first round of voting?
(a) He is an orphan and member of a minority group.
(b) He has had a difficult life in a ghetto; his mother is dead and his father has beaten him regularly.
(c) He has had a difficult life in a ghetto without a father.
(d) He has been in and out of prison for stealing cars.

3. What does the behavior of most of the jurors demonstrate about the decisions reached by juries?
(a) They only reach verdicts after protracted arguments and conflict.
(b) If at least one juror is reliable, the others can be influenced.
(c) They might be affected by factors that have nothing to do with the evidence.
(d) They are always reliable.

4. Based on the impact of their testimony on the jury, who are the two most important witnesses?
(a) An old man across the street and a woman downstairs.
(b) An old man who lives in the victim's apartment and a woman who lives across the street.
(c) The policeman and the doctor.
(d) A young boy next door and his mother.

5. Apart from the defendant, who was arrested for handling a weapon?
(a) The witness who took the weapon until the police arrived.
(b) The storekeeper who sold the defendant a weapon.
(c) Juror Eight.
(d) The friend of the defendant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Apart from the action of the dissenting juror in Act 1, what other contributions from a juror suggest there is at least one other juror willing to stand up against the behavior of others?

2. Which words suggest that the defendant should not have to prove his innocence?

3. What does the verdict from the second vote among jurors prove?

4. In what process does the defendant ask questions of the prosecution's witnesses?

5. At what time is the murder alleged to have occurred?

Short Essay Questions

1. What important instructions does the judge give to the jurors as they depart to deliberate on the case?

2. What views do the jurors have about the defendant's background?

3. When Juror Two states that the defendant is guilty because no one proved his innocence, the writer uses the opportunity to establish two important principles of due process. What are these principles and why does the writer have Juror Eight explain them?

4. What are the physical and personal concerns facing the jurors as they begin their deliberations?

5. What information does Juror Three present in an attempt to draw the jurors' attention to the "facts of the case"?

6. What additional evidence that incriminates the defendant does Juror Three present to the jury in Act I?

7. How does Juror Eight respond to the evidence that Juror Three presents about the knife, and what dramatic turn of events does this cause?

8. What information do the jurors share about the defendant in the beginning of their discussion?

9. What assumptions do the jurors make about Juror Eight's vote, and how do they decide to respond?

10. How do the jurors respond to the defendant's explanation of his purchase of the knife and the fact that he cannot produce it?

(see the answer keys)

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