Twelve Angry Men Test | Final Test - Easy

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Twelve Angry Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Juror Eight question the witness' assertion that he heard the defendant say "I'm gonna kill you"?
(a) He believes the witness was too far away.
(b) He believes this might not have been possible because of the noise made by the passing train.
(c) He believes the witness is too old to recall such details.
(d) He believes the witness is seeking attention.

2. How does the involvement of the jury in acting out and assessing the allegations of the old man compare with their earlier attitude towards the evidence?
(a) It shows they think the defendant might be innocent.
(b) It represents the trend towards a more reasonable, analytical approach
(c) It shows they no longer believe the evidence.
(d) It shows they are now willing to forget about their personal views.

3. What do the actions of Juror Nine in Act II reveal about his character?
(a) He believes the defendant is innocent.
(b) He has thought about the evidence.
(c) He is willing to stand up for his beliefs in spite of pressure.
(d) He is afraid of Juror Eight.

4. Where was the old man witness when he saw the defendant running down the stairs?
(a) At his kitchen window.
(b) At his front door.
(c) At his bathroom window.
(d) At his bedroom window.

5. In the acting out of the old man's movements from his bed to the door, which juror plays the role of the old man?
(a) Juror Nine.
(b) Juror Five.
(c) Juror Eight.
(d) The foreman.

6. What reason does the juror who changes his mind give for doing so?
(a) He admires the conviction of the juror who stood alone against the rest.
(b) He now believes the jury was too hasty.
(c) He now believes the evidence is questionable.
(d) He now believes the defendant is innocent.

7. Which juror is an immigrant to the United States?
(a) Juror Four.
(b) Juror Seven.
(c) Juror Nine.
(d) Juror Eleven.

8. What important shift in the attitude of many jurors takes place during the debates in Act II about the case?
(a) They are more agitated because so much time is passing.
(b) They become calmer and participate less in the discussion.
(c) They become more sober and thoughtful in discussing the issues.
(d) They withdraw and consider their own feelings.

9. Which juror admits to having changed his vote?
(a) Juror Ten.
(b) Juror Five.
(c) Juror Nine.
(d) Juror Eleven.

10. What does this experience among the jurors demonstrate about group behavior?
(a) In a group, some members have the power to influence others.
(b) The most powerful member influences others.
(c) The most vocal member influences others.
(d) The members tend to split into subgroups.

11. What starts the physical confrontation between two jurors in Act II?
(a) Juror Three hits Juror Eight, who accuses him of being prejudiced.
(b) Juror Eight lunges after Juror Three, who calls him a sissy.
(c) They confront each other after exchanging harsh words.
(d) Juror Three lunges after Juror Eight, who accuses him of being a sadist who wants to see the defendant die.

12. What two reasons cause a juror to believe there is reasonable doubt about the defendant's guilt after adding doubts about the old man's testimony to earlier discussions about the murder?
(a) The fact that the old man was hearing impaired and wore glasses.
(b) The arguments of Juror Eight and Juror Nine.
(c) The realization that the woman wears glasses and she saw the murder through the train.
(d) The fact that a similar weapon was easily available and that the old man might have been lying.

13. As the jurors discuss "reasonable doubt", why does Juror Nine become more and more uneasy?
(a) Because he realizes he might have voted incorrectly.
(b) Because he sees the importance of thorough deliberations, and most of the jurors are in a hurry.
(c) Because he is anxious to leave.
(d) Because of the conflict and tension among the jurors.

14. What does Juror Eight mean when he calls another juror a sadist?
(a) That he is dishonest.
(b) That he enjoys seeing someone else suffer.
(c) That he is a foreigner.
(d) That he is prejudiced.

15. How does Juror Nine justify his insights about the old man?
(a) He explains that old people who are tired of being insignificant often tell lies.
(b) He explains that loneliness and loss of family cause old people to imagine things.
(c) He explains that old people get lonely and make up stories.
(d) He explains that old people who are tired of being insignificant often convince themselves to believe what is not true.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the timing described in the old man's testimony affect the jurors' analysis?

2. What does Juror Three convey to the jurors by his insistence of the defendant's guilt?

3. How much influence does the foreman have on the other jurors in this case?

4. How does Juror Three justify his assertion that the defendant must have meant it when he said "I'm going to kill you"?

5. Which two jurors are moved by the discovery about the timing involved in the old man's story?

(see the answer keys)

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