Twelve Angry Men Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Angry Men Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act III.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which juror says he would change his vote if he could find one reason to make him question the defendant's guilt?
(a) Juror Two.
(b) Juror Seven.
(c) Juror Ten.
(d) Juror Four.

2. What is the result of the vote taken by the jurors at the beginning of Act III?
(a) Ten "guilty"; two "not guilty".
(b) Seven "guilty"; five "not guilty".
(c) Six "guilty"; six "not guilty".
(d) Eight "guilty"; four "not guilty".

3. What conclusions about the defendant's intelligence is the jury led to by the reasoning in which one juror engages in Act III?
(a) He is neither smart nor dumb.
(b) He would have to be smart.
(c) He would have to be both smart and dumb.
(d) He would have to be dumb.

4. According to the evidence, what weapon was used to kill the old man?
(a) A hatchet knife.
(b) A pen knife.
(c) A switch blade knife.
(d) A butcher knife.

5. To what age group does the defendant belong?
(a) He is in his thirties.
(b) He is middle-aged.
(c) He is in his early twenties.
(d) He is a teenager.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following phrases best describes the atmosphere that prevails throughout the play?

2. Which juror accuses the juror who is adamant that he will not see the defendant set free of wanting to be the defendant's executioner?

3. As they seek to progress towards resolution, what do the individual jurors have to do in order to carefully analyze the facts of the case?

4. What does Juror Eight mean when he calls another juror a sadist?

5. How does Juror Eleven provide support for the observation made by Juror Eight about the crucial witness?

(see the answer key)

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