True West Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

True West Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How close did Lee get the golf ball to the cup on the ninth hole?
(a) Two yards.
(b) Six feet.
(c) One mile.
(d) Two feet.

2. Where did the old man go to find a dentist?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) New York City.
(c) Mexico.
(d) Canada.

3. How much money is Saul offering for the first draft?
(a) Sixty thousand dollars.
(b) Ten thousand dollars.
(c) Three hundred thousand dollars.
(d) One million dollars.

4. Whose script does Saul decide to drop?
(a) Saul decides to drop Lee's script in favor of Austin's.
(b) Saul decides to drop the old man's script for Mom's.
(c) Saul decides to drop Mom's script for the old man's.
(d) Saul decides to drop Austin's script in favor of Lee's.

5. Saul describes Lee's script as a _____, not a ______.
(a) Saul describes Lee's script as a movie, not a film.
(b) Saul describes Lee's script as an arthouse, not a blockbuster.
(c) Saul describes Lee's script as a comedy, not a tragedy.
(d) Saul describes Lee's script as a flop, not a hit.

6. Why has Saul given Lee a gift?
(a) The gift is an advance for his script.
(b) Saul got the gift from someone else and did not want it.
(c) Saul just really, really likes him.
(d) It is Lee's bithday.

7. What is the time of day at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 8?
(a) Late afternoon.
(b) Evening.
(c) Very early morning.
(d) Noon.

8. What is Austin supposed to steal, according to the brothers' bet?
(a) One million dollars.
(b) A woman.
(c) A car.
(d) A toaster.

9. With what object does Lee almost hit Austin?
(a) A typewriter.
(b) A beer bottle.
(c) A coffee cup.
(d) A golf club.

10. What does Lee offer Austin if he steals a toaster without getting caught?
(a) More whiskey.
(b) His car keys.
(c) Money.
(d) Shared screen credit.

11. Where is Austin at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 7?
(a) He is on the kitchen floor, drunk with a whiskey bottle.
(b) He is in the desert, living off the land.
(c) He is on the phone with Saul, arguing.
(d) He is in the garage, working on the car.

12. Where does Austin want to learn to live?
(a) The desert.
(b) The swamp land.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) Mexico.

13. What utensil does Lee have a difficult time finding?
(a) A fork.
(b) A wrench.
(c) A pencil.
(d) A knife.

14. What is burning in the bowl?
(a) The old man's teeth.
(b) The script.
(c) Austin's shoes.
(d) A coyote.

15. How would the money be doled out to the old man?
(a) The money would be in a trust, doled out in parcels.
(b) The money would be doled out in the form of groceries.
(c) The money would be a lump sum, given all at once.
(d) The money would be doled out dollar by dollar.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Austin want to drive at the end of the scene?

2. What does Austin really think about Western stories?

3. What does Lee claim he will do if Austin helps him?

4. With what part of the script does Lee want Austin's help?

5. What deal do the brothers strike up?

(see the answer keys)

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