The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Thorn Birds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What location is the primary setting of this love story?
(a) The Outback.
(b) Rome.
(c) Wahine.
(d) Drogheda.

2. With the exception of Meggie, what is the family's attitude toward Fiona's latest pregnancy?
(a) Welcoming - someone to eventually help out in the fields.
(b) Anger at another mouth to feed.
(c) Embarrassment.
(d) Worry for Fiona's health.

3. What does Ralph stop just short of explaining to Meggie?
(a) Where babies come from.
(b) That he is in love with Meggie.
(c) That Mary has no intention of sharing her wealth.
(d) That Mary is jealous of Meggie.

4. Which of the following characters are Meggie's children?
(a) Dane & Justine.
(b) Patrick & Agnes.
(c) Ralph & Fiona.
(d) Luke & Mary.

5. What does Mary Carson do before the event that she plans?
(a) Pens a new will.
(b) Consults with a caterer to make sure the food is perfect.
(c) Talks to Paddy about Meggie.
(d) Takes a trip to town.

6. What is Ralph's role with the Cleary family?
(a) He takes on a father role with the twins.
(b) He loans them money to tide them over.
(c) He is more of a close family friend than a priest.
(d) He provides transportation to them for errands.

7. What does Father Ralph tell Meggie when he returns for the funerals?
(a) That Paddy is not Frank's father.
(b) That Mary Carson was jealous of her.
(c) That Mary Carson was attracted to him.
(d) That he loves her but can never act on that love.

8. Where is Fiona's family from?
(a) England.
(b) China.
(c) Ireland.
(d) New Zealand.

9. Which sibling does Meggie take under her wing?
(a) Hal.
(b) Frank.
(c) Hughie.
(d) Jack.

10. Why does Ralph ignore Meggie at Mary's birthday party?
(a) He blames her for Hal's death.
(b) Paddy asks him to.
(c) To prevent rumors of a liaison.
(d) He is tired of her childish ways.

11. Why does Meggie's friend's family leave town?
(a) Her father finds a new job.
(b) Their farm is taken by the bank.
(c) The children are not successful in school.
(d) Paddy runs them out of town in disgrace.

12. What color is Meggie's party dress?
(a) Cherry red.
(b) Delicate pinkish color, called "ashes of roses."
(c) Mint green.
(d) Orange.

13. What does Fiona discover while packing?
(a) Mary's first will.
(b) Meggie's diary.
(c) A news article about Frank.
(d) A poem that Meggie wrote about Hal.

14. Who is the main character of this novel?
(a) Agnes.
(b) Fiona.
(c) Mary.
(d) Meggie.

15. Who is the one character dissatisfied with life on the ranch?
(a) Frank.
(b) Fiona.
(c) Meggie.
(d) Hal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mary demand of Ralph after her birthday party, but he refuses?

2. What strikes the dead gum tree and starts the fire?

3. What occupation does the eldest Cleary son hold?

4. Who does Mary Carson pay tuition for to attend boarding school in Gillanbone?

5. What essential part of the house is still found outside at Drogheda?

(see the answer keys)

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