The Wretched of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wretched of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What advantage does the colonial power have over the rebel?
(a) More poverty
(b) Fewer resources
(c) More wealth
(d) Less equipment

2. Political parties may be inexperienced at organizing what?
(a) Suburbs
(b) Ubran areas
(c) Inner cities
(d) Rural areas

3. The native settler may believe that who will punish the transgressor of social norms?
(a) The UN
(b) Native rulers
(c) Zeus
(d) Spirits

4. Where do the rebel leaders flee when they are harassed and threatened?
(a) The colonial nation
(b) The countryside
(c) Neighboring countries
(d) Cities

5. What may rural peasants guard?
(a) Their stores of wealth
(b) The secret to their successes
(c) Tribal and folk customs
(d) The roads to the cities

6. What will the initial period of euphoria be replaced with?
(a) The death of colonial rule
(b) Colonialist reaction
(c) Fear
(d) A retreat by the rebels

7. Rebel political movements make a mistake by turning first to whom, according to Fanon?
(a) Elite bourgeoisie
(b) Less educated natives
(c) Rural people
(d) Young natives

8. Colonialists will try to drive wedges between different groups of natives based on differences in tribal affiliation, ethnic differences and what?
(a) Geography
(b) Home ownership
(c) Gender
(d) Attractiveness

9. The natives are forced to do what by the Europeans?
(a) Take money from the Europeans
(b) Starve to death
(c) Assimilate to their culture
(d) Rule over the land

10. The battle between the colonizers and the colonized grows out of what?
(a) Fairness
(b) Dishonor
(c) Justice
(d) Inequality

11. Rebel leaders are called upon to articulate a clear what?
(a) National vision
(b) Creed
(c) Religious doctrine
(d) Slogan

12. Fanon advises the post-colonial societies to abandon the route of what?
(a) Capitalism
(b) Freedom
(c) Socialism
(d) Social justice

13. A 1947 rebellion by rural peasants occurred where?
(a) Vietnam
(b) Madagascar
(c) India
(d) Mexico

14. The mass killings of natives by settlers happen because of what?
(a) Apathy
(b) Anger
(c) Surprise
(d) Fear

15. As the native population approaches the stage of decolonization, Fanon argues that they go through a phase of what when they think of the task of throwing off the colonial power?
(a) Apathy
(b) Fear
(c) Acceptance
(d) Anger

Short Answer Questions

1. Fanon suggests that the act of colonization is accompanied by what?

2. Why is the advantage in the hands of the colonialists when violence does occur?

3. The psychiatrist says that the native-on-native violence is a form of what?

4. In indulging in the "fraternal bloodbath," the native distracts itself from confronting what?

5. Fanon argues that decolonization is always what type of struggle?

(see the answer keys)

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