The Wretched of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wretched of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The natives realize that they have been what by colonialism?
(a) Cheated and exploited
(b) Taken on a ride
(c) Given better lives
(d) Ignored and forgotten

2. According to Fanon, what will be swept away in the first spontaneous rush of hope?
(a) Ancient feuds
(b) Fear of death
(c) Oppression
(d) Colonial rule

3. Fanon argues that what resembles possession by otherworldly spirits?
(a) Death
(b) Religion
(c) Dance
(d) Illness

4. Who reinforced the colonialists in the rural areas?
(a) Immigrants
(b) Children
(c) Rural peasants
(d) Local chiefs

5. Who was the colonial power in Angola?
(a) Norway
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Portugal

6. Where do the rebel leaders flee when they are harassed and threatened?
(a) Neighboring countries
(b) The colonial nation
(c) Cities
(d) The countryside

7. What can carry the movement in the first few days, but not later on?
(a) Spontaneity
(b) Strategies
(c) Hope
(d) Determination

8. Why does the colonizing nation have no interest in violence with native peoples?
(a) The colonizing country has the natives best interest at heart.
(b) The colonizing country knows that they will be defeated in battle.
(c) They consume goods imported from the colonizing country.
(d) The colonizing nation relies on the government of the native peoples.

9. Rebel political movements make a mistake by turning first to whom, according to Fanon?
(a) Less educated natives
(b) Rural people
(c) Elite bourgeoisie
(d) Young natives

10. The settlers believe the natives are incapable of what?
(a) Ethics
(b) Danger
(c) Stupidity
(d) Repression

11. The psychiatrist says that the native-on-native violence is a form of what?
(a) Acceptance
(b) Distrust
(c) Avoidance
(d) Poverty

12. Where is the most spontaneous and explosive force for the revolution found?
(a) The colonialists' mansions
(b) The colonial nation
(c) The ghetto fringes of the cities
(d) The government buildings

13. Political parties may be inexperienced at organizing what?
(a) Ubran areas
(b) Suburbs
(c) Inner cities
(d) Rural areas

14. What does Fanon call the rural people?
(a) Intellectual elite
(b) Bourgeoisie
(c) Lumpenproletariat
(d) Urbanites

15. Fanon suggests that rural peasants may resent whom?
(a) Those in their communities
(b) Those who fled to the cities
(c) Revolutionaries
(d) Other rural peasants

Short Answer Questions

1. In what country did Belgian colonialist military forces remove rural youths from the cities in 1957?

2. The settlers see the natives as what?

3. What advantage does the colonial power have over the rebel?

4. Which of the following words describes the colonial society according to Fannon?

5. How will the colonists react to the rebel actions?

(see the answer keys)

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