The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 20-21.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Isaacson claim that Dean Acheson, Robert Lovett, and John McCloy suggested for President-Elect Kennedy's Secretary of State?
(a) Bill Fulbright.
(b) Dean Rusk.
(c) Paul Nitze.
(d) David Bruce.

2. What does Isaacson suggest started becoming a concern to the six "Wise Men" shortly after WWII began?
(a) "Isolationist directing public policy placed America in peril during the early months of the war."
(b) "In public...Roosevelt would henceforth proclaim that the Atlantic Charter...was the foundaton of American foreign policy."
(c) "Stalin could be blunt, but then so could Harriman."
(d) "America's stormy relationship with her Soviet Allies."

3. What does Isaacson claim to have been the primary purpose of the telegram to President Truman with the warning of Soviet aggression?
(a) To assist military chiefs in Congressional testimony.
(b) To support a greater role for military actions against communist aggression.
(c) To become the basis for a propaganda campaign that helped to condense power within the foreign policy elite.
(d) To give support for more military spending in the battle to confront communism.

4. How does Isaacson detail how the last of the "Six Wise Men" whom President-Elect Kennedy called affected Kennedy's decision for Secretary of State?
(a) He rejected Kennedy's offer for the position.
(b) He wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times expressing the qualities of Kennedy's eventual nominee.
(c) He suggested that President-Elect Kennedy read an article in Foreign Affairs that one of the candidates for Secretary of State wrote.
(d) He detailed how each of his candidates had helped to direct the policies that were made to confront the Soviet menace in the immediate period following WWII.

5. What does Isaacson report to be the differences between the negotiating styles of Roosevelt and Truman?
(a) Roosevelt was indifferent, but Truman was sensitive.
(b) Roosevelt was high strung, but Truman was contemplative.
(c) Roosevelt eschewed advice, but Truman ruled by consensus.
(d) Roosevelt could be manipulative and conniving with people and public opinion, but Truman was forthright to the point of bluntness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which president does Isaacson report Dean Acheson served as Assistant Secretary of State?

2. What role did Frank Wisner play in Kennan's plans for confronting Soviet expansionism?

3. Who does Isaacson record to be the first Democrat candidate for president in 1952 after President Truman announced he would not seek re-election?

4. What does Isaacson claim to be Bohlen's view of Bolshevism?

5. How does Isaacson suggest the Soviet Union's possession of nuclear weapons changed President Truman's perspective on checking Soviet aggression?

(see the answer key)

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