The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Walter Isaacson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen,... Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 18-19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Isaacson claim to be Bohlen's view of Bolshevism?
(a) He reviled in the violent destruction Bolsheviks were willing to employ to hold onto power.
(b) He was nonjudgemental and unreflective about Bolshevism.
(c) He saw Bolshevism to be a threat to liberal progressivism in Western nations.
(d) He was fascinated by the tenants of Soviet Communism.

2. What did Winston Churchill recommend as a solution to the challenge of growing Soviet Power?
(a) Forming NATO .
(b) Economic warfare.
(c) Improving working conditions to prevent labor upheavals.
(d) An Anglo-American alliance.

3. Who did President Eisenhower choose for his Ambassador to Russia, according to Isaacson?
(a) Dean Acheson.
(b) George Kennan.
(c) Averell Harriman.
(d) Chip Bohlen.

4. How does Isaacson claim Bohlen distinguished himself in the service of his first assignment?
(a) He impressed members of the Roosevelt Administration with his insights into economics and industry.
(b) He impressed the investors of W.A. Harriman with his knack for choosing growing companies in which to invest.
(c) He left a strong impression with his writing ability.
(d) He impressed his superiors with his diligent interest in Russia and its language.

5. What does Isaacson report to be a weakness Bohlen exhibited in the execution of his profession?
(a) He was often too risky with investor's funds.
(b) His social proclivities caused embarrasments for other Administration officials.
(c) His penmanship was poor and he never learned to type.
(d) His poor manners offended the keepers of protocol.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the major contributing factor to causing the fate of the "Six Wise Men" after the election of Eisenhower?

2. Who does Isaacson record to be the first Democrat candidate for president in 1952 after President Truman announced he would not seek re-election?

3. What does Isaacson suggest to be the result of George Kennan's "Long Telegram"?

4. How did George Kennan develop his connection to Russia according to Isaacson?

5. What does Isaacson report to be the entry in the Enola Gay log book by co-pilot Robert Lewis after the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima?

(see the answer key)

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