The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Undoing Project Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Michael Lewis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (Chapters 9 - 11).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which two areas did aptitude tests reveal that Kahneman was equally suited to excel in?
(a) Marksmanship and Humanities.
(b) Mathematics and Medicine.
(c) Physical Sports and Humanities.
(d) Humanities and Science.

2. Which theorist had offered an alternative to utility theory in the 1950s?
(a) Maurice Allais.
(b) Jonathan Keynes.
(c) Murray Gell-Mann.
(d) Richard Thaler.

3. In Chapter 3, who was only 18 years old when he was identified by the Israeli army as leadership material?
(a) Amnon Rapoport.
(b) Danny Kahneman.
(c) Marshall Minklestein.
(d) Amos Tversky.

4. Which very large player does Morey's team meet in 2015 as a potential draft pick?
(a) Jung Mao.
(b) Morrel Lorely.
(c) Yao Ming.
(d) Satnam Singh.

5. How did Kahneman change the way tank drivers were trained?
(a) He said they would learn best by taking notes.
(b) He said they would learn best in pairs.
(c) He said they would learn best in bursts of 30-minute intervals.
(d) He said they would learn best in trios.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kahneman felt that it was the anticipation of which of the following that affected many people's decisions?

2. Who was the head of the Israeli military psychology?

3. When did Kahneman and Tversky solidify their working collaboration by?

4. Which of the following principals did Tversky set out to study/prove during his time in Michigan?

5. What illness did Kahneman's father suffer from?

(see the answer key)

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