The Testament Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nate confide to Phil?
(a) That he wants to see his children and make amends.
(b) That he wants to marry Rachel more than anything in the world.
(c) That he missing the excitement of law.
(d) That his children all miss him.

2. Where do all waterways eventually lead in the area where Jevy and Nate are?
(a) Back to the Amazon.
(b) Back to the Paraguay.
(c) To Quito.
(d) To Chile.

3. What does Nate notice about his IV bag?
(a) It is empty and has not been refilled.
(b) He does not notice anything about it.
(c) It is moldy.
(d) It has been taken by another patient.

4. What does Nate offer to do for Rachel?
(a) To pay for any more supplies she might need.
(b) To come get her to go back to the States.
(c) Represent her.
(d) Set up a trust for her.

5. What symptoms develop in Nate?
(a) Aching bones.
(b) Foaming at the mouth.
(c) A high fever, chills, and delirium.
(d) Irrational anger.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does TJ do?

2. Why does a little girl in the neighboring village die?

3. What does Rex inherit from his father, Troy?

4. What thought occurs to Nate?

5. Why is it difficult to speak to the first Indians they encounter?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who did Nate think he saw when he was sick and what did he feel about it?

2. Why did Josh want to speak to Nate and why was it impossible?

3. What did Rachel say to Nate?

4. How was Nate feeling physically as he journeyed back to civilization and what did he find out?

5. What did the lawyers fighting the will do about the sanity examination?

6. Why was Nate unable to speak with Rachel the day after he arrived in the village?

7. Why did Hark meet with the other Phelan heir lawyers and what happened at the meeting?

8. What does Nate notice about the Indian village and how does he respond to it?

9. What did Nate want to do to get away following the Phelan heir depositions? Why does he want to do it? How well does he think it will work?

10. What news does Welly bring to Valdir and what does he do about it?

(see the answer keys)

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