The Testament Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What symptoms develop in Nate?
(a) Aching bones.
(b) Irrational anger.
(c) Foaming at the mouth.
(d) A high fever, chills, and delirium.

2. Where does Nate end up after leaving the hospital?
(a) Under Rachel's care.
(b) Back in the hospital.
(c) He dies in an alleyway.
(d) On a plane back to the States.

3. Why is it difficult to speak to the first Indians they encounter?
(a) They do not speak any Portuguese.
(b) They are women and children who are not allowed to speak to strangers.
(c) They just stare at the men.
(d) They speak too fast.

4. What do the lawyers do in the mock testimony with Sneads?
(a) Realize he will do them no good.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Tell him to tell the absolute truth.
(d) Feed him lies.

5. What is the problem when Nate is admitted to the hospital for the second time?
(a) The doctor won't treat him since he left the hospital AMA.
(b) There are no rooms available.
(c) He is in a coma.
(d) There are no more antibiotic IV drugs.

Short Answer Questions

1. After shooting a few holes in Snead's testimony, who does Nate go after next?

2. How often does Neva communicate with Rachel?

3. Besides preaching the gospel, what does Rachel do?

4. What does Rex realize about the lawyer fees?

5. Who is Dr. Sabo?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Josh want to speak to Nate and why was it impossible?

2. What happened right after Nate woke the day after the storm?

3. What did Nate want to do to get away following the Phelan heir depositions? Why does he want to do it? How well does he think it will work?

4. What was Nate doing at the cottage?

5. What was Nate's room like in the hospital and what kind of care did he receive?

6. What news does Welly bring to Valdir and what does he do about it?

7. Rex was the smartest of the Phelan heirs. What was he good at and what did he realize?

8. What did Rex decide to do about his understanding?

9. Who did Nate think he saw when he was sick and what did he feel about it?

10. What happened when Nate was admitted to the hospital for the second time?

(see the answer keys)

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