The Testament Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who offers his services for a flat fee of five million dollars?
(a) Hark.
(b) Josh.
(c) Nate.
(d) Snead.

2. Who is trying to enlist the aid of other expert witnesses who could refute the testimony of the first panel?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Nate.
(c) Josh.
(d) The family's lawyers.

3. What does Nate tell Josh?
(a) He is becoming a Christian missionary.
(b) He is moving to South America.
(c) He is ready to re-join the firm.
(d) He is retiring from law.

4. What does Neva find on her desk?
(a) A large envelope addressed to Nate.
(b) A large envelope addressed to Rachel.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Two envelopes; one addressed to her and one to Nate.

5. Where is Nate drawn as he wanders the city?
(a) A school.
(b) A bar.
(c) A hospital.
(d) A church.

6. Why is Jevy in a hurry to get back to the city?
(a) His wife is having a baby.
(b) To get Nate to a hospital as quickly as possible.
(c) His wife is expecting him.
(d) He craves alcohol.

7. How did the men of the tribe act?
(a) Very friendly.
(b) Confused.
(c) Quite hostile.
(d) Suspicious at first.

8. What does Rachel sense about Nate?
(a) He is still quite addicted to drugs and alcohol.
(b) He is lonely.
(c) He lies.
(d) He is hypocritical.

9. What symptoms develop in Nate?
(a) Aching bones.
(b) Foaming at the mouth.
(c) Irrational anger.
(d) A high fever, chills, and delirium.

10. What does Rachel seem to know about Nate?
(a) That he and Rachel will marry.
(b) That he will never be a lawyer again.
(c) That he will die peacefully.
(d) That God has plans for Nate's future.

11. What do Josh and the Judge review?
(a) The videotape of Troy's mental assessment, will signing, and plunge from the balcony.
(b) The will to see if there are any loose ends.
(c) The probate plan.
(d) The money each person stands to receive.

12. How long has it been since Rachel has entered the Pantanal?
(a) 11 years.
(b) 5 years.
(c) 1 year.
(d) She never has.

13. What does Hark tell the other lawyers of Troy's family?
(a) That Snead is unwilling to testify.
(b) That there are two other illegitimate children wanting money.
(c) That he thinks they should "throw in the towel."
(d) That Snead is willing to testify on their behalf.

14. Why does a little girl in the neighboring village die?
(a) She has too high a fever and dies.
(b) Rachel has no antivenin for the little girl.
(c) She is killed by accident by a hunter.
(d) She is torn up too badly by an alligator to be helped.

15. What does Nate offer to do for Rachel?
(a) Set up a trust for her.
(b) Represent her.
(c) To pay for any more supplies she might need.
(d) To come get her to go back to the States.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does TJ do?

2. What happens when the lawyers cannot dredge up anything on Rachel?

3. What does Rachel explain to Nate?

4. What does Nate tell Rachel?

5. What happens to the panel of three psychiatrists?

(see the answer keys)

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