The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Testament Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jevy fear?
(a) That Nate might be dead or in need of the hospital
(b) That he will lose his retainer fee.
(c) That they won't get the tide if they don't leave soon.
(d) That Nate left without him.

2. What creates a media frenzy?
(a) Troy's amended will.
(b) The search for Rachel.
(c) The selling off of Troy's assets for tax bills.
(d) Troy's death.

3. Where does Nate think Rachel is?
(a) At the base of a mountain range a long way from there.
(b) He has no idea.
(c) Back in Quinto.
(d) In Sao Paulo.

4. Who does Nate hire?
(a) A secretary.
(b) A native speaker.
(c) A private pilot for an aerial look and a boat guide named Jevy.
(d) A bodyguard.

5. Where do Nate and Jevy stop?
(a) At a trading post along the river.
(b) On a small island in the middle of the river.
(c) In a small town where Nate thinks Rachel lives.
(d) At the local constable's office.

6. What is Phelan rumored to have?
(a) A plan to double his assets.
(b) A desire to go into a religious order.
(c) A plot to seize a government in South America.
(d) A tumor.

7. Who continually calls the Stafford Law Firm?
(a) Troy's family members.
(b) The IRS.
(c) The Rockefeller Foundation wishing for their share of the estate.
(d) The press.

8. What does Nate do while Jevy goes to the trading post?
(a) Huddled in the boat trying to resist buying alcohol.
(b) In a local motel asleep.
(c) In the crow's nest.
(d) Talking to the villagers.

9. Why does Jevy have to rock the boat?
(a) To get the water out of it.
(b) To get it off shore where it was stuck.
(c) To settle the outboard motor.
(d) To reset the propeller.

10. Who is Welly?
(a) Rachel's right hand man.
(b) Ramble's best friend.
(c) The deckhand and cook on the boat that Nate hired.
(d) The pilot who crashed in the farmer's cow field.

11. Why has Nate lost his other friends?
(a) Through negligence and poor behavior.
(b) Because he is gone so long.
(c) He never had any friends.
(d) Because he moved to another city.

12. What is the problem about leaving the place of the plane crash by boat?
(a) Jevy forgot the gas for the boat.
(b) Jevy is not sure there is enough gasoline for the trip.
(c) Nate is afraid of the water.
(d) There is no boat.

13. What does Phelan wear?
(a) Long, white robes.
(b) Casual, but refined, sports wear.
(c) Expensive suits.
(d) Not much except when he has to.

14. In accordance with Troy's wishes, what does Josh do?
(a) Appoint Troy's eldest son as executor of the will.
(b) Share a preview of the will with the media.
(c) Have Troy buried in South America.
(d) Keeps the contents of the will a secret until he is required by law to share the information.

15. What happens to an heir that contests the will?
(a) That heir recieves 1/2 of the original amount.
(b) The heir has to come up with 10 good reasons the will should be changed.
(c) Nothing.
(d) That heir receives nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is requested in the will?

2. What do Snead and Josh, as well as Tip Durban, Josh's colleague do?

3. Who is Libbigail's father?

4. How many legitimate children does Troy have?

5. Why does Josh only give information that was required by law to the probate judge?

(see the answer keys)

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