The Sandman: A Game of You Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sandman: A Game of You Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Barbie draw on her face in Chapter 6?
(a) A chessboard.
(b) A veil.
(c) Two large birds.
(d) A teardrop.

2. Why is George able to talk when Thessaly is gone in Chapter 4?
(a) He gets the help of Cuckoo.
(b) Her commands do not hold.
(c) He tricks Wanda into helping him.
(d) He defeats her spell.

3. What is Wanda's name as a man in her previous life?
(a) Wayne.
(b) Hill.
(c) Alvin.
(d) Michael.

4. Why is Wanda left behind in Chapter 4?
(a) Because she is too argumentative.
(b) Because she asks too many questions.
(c) Because she is a man.
(d) Because she is too emotional.

5. What is destroyed that causes Cuckoo to rejoice and Wanda to worry in Chapter 5?
(a) Hierogram.
(b) Wilkinson's body.
(c) Moon's Road.
(d) Porpentine.

6. What advises that everyone should stay at home because a storm is approaching in Chapter 5?
(a) Cuckoo.
(b) The radio.
(c) George.
(d) Wanda.

7. To whom does Dora introduce Barbie at the funeral in Chapter 6?
(a) Morpheus.
(b) Alvin.
(c) The priest.
(d) Mrs. Mann.

8. What power does the Cuckoo exert over Barbie in Chapter 5?
(a) Political.
(b) Physical.
(c) Mind control.
(d) Economic.

9. Who looks like Barbie's grandfather in Chapter 5?
(a) Martin.
(b) George.
(c) Heiromancer.
(d) Cuckoo.

10. What exists as long as the world exists according to Cuckoo in Chapter 5?
(a) The beggar woman and the cross-dresser.
(b) The city and the sea.
(c) The birds and George.
(d) The Hierogram and the Porpentine.

11. Who turns into a bird and flies away in Chapter 6?
(a) Cuckoo.
(b) Barbie.
(c) Wanda.
(d) Thessaly.

12. Who stops singing in Chapter 4 when Luz says it is too noisy?
(a) Foxglove.
(b) Barbie.
(c) Wilkinson.
(d) Hazel.

13. To whom does Barbie discover that everyone prays in Chapter 5?
(a) A strange man nicknamed Murphy.
(b) A cross-dresser called Wanda.
(c) A ghost called George.
(d) A dog called Martin.

14. What does Barbie do with her lipstick on the tombstone in Chapter 6?
(a) Crosses out the word "Alvin" and writes "Wanda" instead.
(b) Writes "I am sorry."
(c) Writes "I love you."
(d) Draws a heart.

15. Which two characters talk about warning Barbie that bad stuff is coming in Chapter 4?
(a) Hazel and Foxglove.
(b) Morpheus and Nuala.
(c) Black Guard and Thessaly.
(d) Cuckoo and George.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the beggar woman mentioned in Chapter 6?

2. What does Wilkinson say will happen to comfort Barbie in Chapter 4?

3. What is the present that Barbie bought for her deceased friend in Chapter 6?

4. About whom does George tell Wanda to worry in Chapter 4?

5. What does Barbie say about a home in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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