The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prestige Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When is the partial Angier invisible?
(a) In dim lighting.
(b) In the dark.
(c) In the direct sunlight.
(d) In bright lights.

2. Angier decides to never put Julia in danger again after her miscarriage, so what does he do?
(a) Locks her in her room.
(b) Hires a bodyguide for her.
(c) Divorces her.
(d) Hires an assistant.

3. After Julia miscarries, where does she spend most of her time?
(a) In her room, alone.
(b) On stage with Angier.
(c) At social parties.
(d) In the bar.

4. What does Angier think the first time he sees Borden's New Transported Man illusion?
(a) He thinks he knows how Borden does it.
(b) He is amazed, but boos anyway.
(c) He is furious and feels Borden copied his trick.
(d) He is amazed and even applauds.

5. What does Angier discover from personal research about Borden prior to Angier's American tour?
(a) Borden does not have a twin.
(b) Borden has a spy who steels other magician's tricks.
(c) Borden flunked out of school.
(d) Borden has a secret lover.

6. What is the first condition Julia sets in order for her to return to Angier?
(a) He must have another child with her.
(b) He must give up being an illusionist forever.
(c) He must return to being an illusionist.
(d) He must apologize to Borden.

7. What does Arthur Koenig have in Section 14, Part 4, that he wants to sell to Angier?
(a) Borden's journal.
(b) An old newspaper that reveals Borden's secret.
(c) A photograph that reveals Borden's secret.
(d) The secret to a new illusion.

8. What last name does Oliva give when applying to work for Bordon?
(a) Westcombe.
(b) Westminster.
(c) Winkler.
(d) Westerman.

9. Gerald Root attempts to _____________ Angier.
(a) Blackmail.
(b) Kill.
(c) Punch.
(d) Trick.

10. What does Angier say the new process for In A Flash causes for him?
(a) Bouts of depression.
(b) Yellow skin.
(c) Breakout of hives.
(d) Bouts of laughter.

11. During Angier's performance that the power went out in mid-illusion, what did Angier see happen to the faint image of himself that appeared int he lodge he was supposed to appear in?
(a) It looked like it was on fire.
(b) It transformed into an image or Borden.
(c) It exploded in a cloud of smoke.
(d) It fell backward and disappeared.

12. What is necessary for the partial Angier to be visible?
(a) Dim lights.
(b) Total darkness.
(c) A great deal of light.
(d) Humidity.

13. Where does the partial Angier find Borden, when he is looking to kill Borden?
(a) Walking home.
(b) At home.
(c) In his dressing room.
(d) In his workshop.

14. How does Angier initially contact Julia when he returns to take over his father's estate?
(a) He shows up at her door.
(b) A messenger.
(c) A letter.
(d) A phone call.

15. When Angier contacts Tesla about his performance on electricity, what does Angier think of Tesla's response?
(a) He believes Tesla does not like him.
(b) He believes Tesla is lying to him.
(c) He believes Tesla is only telling him half of the truth.
(d) He does not understand Tesla's response.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Angier travel to meet Nikola Tesla?

2. What is the first object tested in Tesla's apparatus?

3. There are three years where Angier records minimal information. Which of the following is NOT something he records?

4. What do Angier and Telsa realize after two 'failures' that the machine is actually doing?

5. Who is Olivia Svenson?

(see the answer keys)

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