The Paris Wife: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paula McLain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Paris Wife: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paula McLain
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Ernest get into a fight?
(a) A British war correspondent.
(b) A British soldier.
(c) A Turkish ayatollah.
(d) A French war correspondent.

2. What does Hadley tell another passenger about what she lost?
(a) It was not important.
(b) It was priceless.
(c) It can easily be replaced.
(d) Nothing, because she is too upset to talk about it.

3. Who does Ernest find to be not very bright?
(a) Hitler.
(b) Fitzgerald.
(c) Grave.
(d) Mussolini.

4. Of what is Hadley growing tired?
(a) Her marriage.
(b) Ernest.
(c) Not having her own work.
(d) Paris.

5. Whom does Ezra excoriate when the Hemingways are out with them?
(a) The Turks.
(b) The Midwest of the United States.
(c) The Russian Revolution.
(d) The Greek.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Ernest sent on Thanksgiving in 1922?

2. What is the first place where Ernest and Hadley live like?

3. What is becoming less frequent?

4. Of what does Ernest accuse Hadley?

5. What surprises Kate when she walks into the kitchen of her friends the next morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Hadley learn about Ernest when she met him the next morning in the kitchen?

2. Who is Hadley's father and what did he do?

3. What does Ernest believe about Hadley's pregnancy in connection with the lost manuscripts?

4. How does Hadley doubt the wisdom of a relationship with Ernest and how does Ernest propose to Hadley?

5. Why did Hadley not want to go to the suffragette meeting with Fonnie?

6. Why is Hadley in mourning and why does she think the party will help?

7. What does Kate finally share with Hadley?

8. What does Ernest do in Turkey?

9. When does Hadley visit Ernest and why is she upset by what he tells her? What is her response?

10. What does Hadley not mention to Fonnie upon Hadley's return to St. Louis and how does Fonnie learn about Hadley's secret?

(see the answer keys)

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