The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Walter asks Kitty if the baby is his, what is her response?
(a) She tells him it is his.
(b) She refuses to answer.
(c) She tells him it is Charlie's.
(d) She doesn't know.

2. As more time passes with Kitty working at the convent, how does she reflect on Charlie's appearance?
(a) She thinks he is handsome, but she is not attracted to him.
(b) She still finds herself attracted to him.
(c) She cannot remember what he looks like.
(d) She finds him unattractive and even repulsive.

3. What skill of Walter's does Kitty learn about from the nuns that surprises her?
(a) Walter has an excellent singing voice.
(b) Walter is an excellent cook and helps with meals at the convent.
(c) Walter is very good with babies and loves to play with them.
(d) Walter is very fluent in French.

4. What happened to the Missionary who was the previous occupant of the bungalow?
(a) He feel in love with a Chinese woman and left the province with her.
(b) He died.
(c) He caught cholera and returned to England for treatment.
(d) He was given another post in a neighboring village.

5. Where is Walter buried?
(a) In a Mei-tan-fu cemetery.
(b) He is cremated.
(c) His body is interred in Hong Kong.
(d) His body is sent back to England.

6. What was Mother Superior's first name before she became a nun?
(a) Kitty doesn't know.
(b) Odette.
(c) Nicole.
(d) Marie.

7. When Kitty arrives at the convent to offer her services in Chapter 48, why is Mother Superior crying?
(a) She had received bad news from home.
(b) Another nun had died during the night.
(c) A beloved orphan girl had just died.
(d) She found her suffering from symptons of cholera.

8. What vocation does Sister St. Joseph's family do in France?
(a) Her father and mother both work for the government.
(b) They own a small mercantile shop in the country.
(c) They own a bakery.
(d) They are farmers.

9. During Kitty and Walter's discussion in Chapter 47, what does Kitty suppose Walter to be suffering from?
(a) The beginning signs of cholera.
(b) A broken heart.
(c) Incredible guilt.
(d) A headache.

10. What is Kitty's first impression of Sister St. Joseph's demeanor?
(a) She is easy-going and very good-humoured.
(b) She is very rude.
(c) She seems distracted and unintelligent.
(d) She is extremely pious and grave.

11. What French delicacy does Mother Superior serve Kitty during tea?
(a) French cakes called Madeleines.
(b) French bread called baquettes.
(c) French crepes.
(d) A type of French goat cheese.

12. What does Waddington think of Dorothy?
(a) He thinks she's well-bred and able.
(b) He thinks she's cold and unfeeling.
(c) He thinks she's very flirtatious.
(d) He thinks she's extremely beautiful.

13. What great noise brings Mother Superior to the room when Kitty is watching the children in Chapter 52?
(a) Kitty is playing a boisterous game with them.
(b) The children break a piece of furniture.
(c) The children are singing a song Kitty is teaching them.
(d) A child is howling in pain.

14. What type of work does Kitty first offer to do at the convent?
(a) Scrub floors.
(b) Care for newborns.
(c) Redecorate the chapel.
(d) Prepare meals.

15. What do the Nuns do with infants as soon as they come into the convent?
(a) Baptize them.
(b) Innocluate them against cholera.
(c) Sing to them.
(d) Feed them.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Kitty and Walter's journey, how does Walter spend each evening?

2. Why doesn't Kitty tell Mother Superior about her unhappiness and its cause?

3. As Kitty and Walter are entering Mei-tan-fu, what do the Chinese servants point out to Kitty?

4. Why don't the nuns allow Kitty to see inside the infirmary?

5. What does Mother Superior describe as her last sight of France?

(see the answer keys)

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