The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As more time passes with Kitty working at the convent, how does she reflect on Charlie's appearance?
(a) She still finds herself attracted to him.
(b) She cannot remember what he looks like.
(c) She finds him unattractive and even repulsive.
(d) She thinks he is handsome, but she is not attracted to him.

2. How does Kitty find the streets of Mei-tan-fu on her way to the convent?
(a) Everyone on the streets seems extremely curious of her.
(b) The streets are very clean and well-kept.
(c) They are extremely dirty, with a horrible stench.
(d) They are crowded with throngs of people.

3. What crime is Colonel Yu trying desperately to prevent in Mei-tan-fu?
(a) Espionage.
(b) Rape.
(c) Kidnapping.
(d) Looting.

4. Why don't the nuns allow Kitty to see inside the infirmary?
(a) Waddington insists that Kitty shouldn't see it.
(b) She thinks the scene is too much for Kitty.
(c) They are embarrassed by its untidiness.
(d) Walter has forbidden the nuns from showing it to Kitty.

5. Why doesn't Kitty converse with Sister St. Joseph on her first visit to the convent?
(a) Sister St. Joseph has taken a vow of silence.
(b) Sister St. Joseph is deaf.
(c) Kitty is afraid of her.
(d) Sister St. Joseph does not speak English.

6. What is Kitty's first impression of Sister St. Joseph's demeanor?
(a) She is very rude.
(b) She seems distracted and unintelligent.
(c) She is extremely pious and grave.
(d) She is easy-going and very good-humoured.

7. What token do the nuns send to Kitty after Walter's death?
(a) A picture of Jesus.
(b) A Bible.
(c) An assortment of chocolates for Kitty.
(d) A cross of dahlias.

8. What was Mother Superior's first name before she became a nun?
(a) Marie.
(b) Kitty doesn't know.
(c) Odette.
(d) Nicole.

9. What do the Nuns do with infants as soon as they come into the convent?
(a) Feed them.
(b) Innocluate them against cholera.
(c) Baptize them.
(d) Sing to them.

10. Why does Kitty attend the daily services in the chapel with the other nuns and children?
(a) Walter has pressured her to attend them.
(b) She is worried about offending Mother Superior by not attending.
(c) Mother Superior has asked her to attend them.
(d) She finds it restful.

11. What does Waddington think of Dorothy?
(a) He thinks she's extremely beautiful.
(b) He thinks she's very flirtatious.
(c) He thinks she's cold and unfeeling.
(d) He thinks she's well-bred and able.

12. During Kitty and Walter's discussion in Chapter 47, what does Kitty suppose Walter to be suffering from?
(a) A broken heart.
(b) A headache.
(c) Incredible guilt.
(d) The beginning signs of cholera.

13. What does Kitty think of her first view from her window of the bungalow?
(a) She takes no notice of the view and is so depressed she doesn't really register her surroundings.
(b) She finds it breathtakingly beautiful.
(c) She finds it dreary and depressing.
(d) She finds the view pretty much the same as her view in Hong Kong.

14. What do the children at the convent think of Kitty?
(a) They are upset at her intrusion and ignore her presence.
(b) They like her and come to her with concerns.
(c) The like to watch her, but are too nervous to get close to her.
(d) They are afraid of her pale skin.

15. What French delicacy does Mother Superior serve Kitty during tea?
(a) A type of French goat cheese.
(b) French crepes.
(c) French cakes called Madeleines.
(d) French bread called baquettes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Kitty arrives at the convent to offer her services in Chapter 48, why is Mother Superior crying?

2. Who is the first person to suppose that Kitty is expecting?

3. Where do Waddington and Kitty make an excursion to on a Sunday in Chapter 53?

4. How do the nuns regard Kitty's pregnancy?

5. What does Sister St. Joseph like to discuss with Kitty?

(see the answer keys)

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