The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When discussing their affair, what accusation does Charlie make about Kitty that angers her greatly?
(a) He accuses her of telling Walter of their affair.
(b) He claims that she prodded him into having the affair.
(c) He claims she wants to ruin his career.
(d) He accuses her of telling Dorothy of their affair.

2. When Charlie and Kitty adjourn to the sitting room, what does he try to give her?
(a) A love note.
(b) A small photograph of himself.
(c) A drink of brandy.
(d) A comforting shawl.

3. Why does Kitty think that Walter will allow a divorce if he was to find out about the affair?
(a) He loves her and is a gentleman.
(b) He is having an affair of his own.
(c) He is intimidated by Charlie's position.
(d) He has grown tired of her.

4. Why is Kitty initially surprised by Walter's proposal of marriage?
(a) Walter had mentioned he did not wish to marry.
(b) Walter had not asked permission of her father.
(c) They didn't know each other well.
(d) She was unaware that Walter was in love with her.

5. Where do Kitty and Charlie decide to meet?
(a) Ku-Chou's, the curio shop.
(b) His office.
(c) The lounge at the Hong Kong Hotel.
(d) Her house.

6. How old is Kitty when she becomes engaged?
(a) 21.
(b) 25.
(c) 18.
(d) 28.

7. Which Italian city was Somerset Maugham staying in when he was inspired to write The Painted Veil?
(a) Genoa.
(b) Pisa.
(c) Florence.
(d) Venice.

8. Who took Kitty into dinner at Government House when they first arrived in Hong Kong?
(a) The Governor.
(b) A distinguished general.
(c) Walter.
(d) Charlie.

9. Once he knows fully of Walter's ultimatum, what does Charlie think of Walter's offer?
(a) He thinks it is callous and cruel.
(b) He has no opinion on the ultimatum.
(c) He thinks it is very generous.
(d) He thinks Walter made it strictly for professional reasons.

10. After dinner what excuse does Walter give to leave Kitty alone?
(a) He says he is tired and goes to bed.
(b) He says he has an engagement at his men's club and leaves the house.
(c) He says he has a headache and goes to take a bath.
(d) He says he has work to do.

11. Why does Charlie leave the sitting room in Chapter 1?
(a) He is afraid of being caught there by Walter.
(b) The time has come for him to return to work.
(c) He is meeting his wife for lunch.
(d) He has a quarrel with Kitty.

12. What is Kitty's first impression of Walter?
(a) He is very shy and quiet.
(b) He is very jovial and out-going.
(c) He is very good at making witty remarks.
(d) He has a nasty temper.

13. How does Kitty feel when she sees Walter and realizes he knows of the affair?
(a) She is nervous and feels ill.
(b) She is indifferent.
(c) She is happy and relieved.
(d) She is angry and confrontational.

14. After Kitty and Walter's discussion of divorce, where does she go to meet Charlie?
(a) At a favorite restaurant.
(b) At his home.
(c) At his office.
(d) At the curio shop.

15. What relevance does Charlie feel that love has to marriage?
(a) He believes marriage is strictly a business arrangement and love is not involved.
(b) He believes one can be in love with a woman without wishing to spend his life with her.
(c) He believes all marriages are built on love.
(d) He believes you can only truly love your spouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Charlie?

2. When Walter found out about Kitty and Charlie, why didn't he break into the room and fight Charlie?

3. What causes Kitty to marry Walter Fane in a panic?

4. How soon after her marriage does Kitty realize she's made a mistake?

5. Why has Mei-tan-fu been frequently in the newspapers?

(see the answer keys)

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