The Long Walk Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Long Walk Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Abraham and Baker doing when Chapter 13 begins?
(a) Matching dimes.
(b) Getting their third warnings.
(c) Singing.
(d) Throwing up.

2. Who is Dom L'Antio?
(a) An Italian man who if offering drinks to the Walkers.
(b) An Italian man who wants to give watermelon to the Walkers.
(c) A journalist who wants to interview the boys.
(d) An Italian man who is angry at the Walkers.

3. What does Garraty's spine feel like in Chapter 14?
(a) Splintered broomstick.
(b) Blue rod of fire.
(c) Jelly.
(d) Pins and needles.

4. What state is Scramm from?
(a) Georgia.
(b) Arizona.
(c) Nevada.
(d) Texas.

5. What is the soldier wearing on his wrist?
(a) Stopwatch.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Solid-state computer with a sonar device.
(d) Watch.

6. Who wants a lead sleeve in their coffin so that the rats don't get to him?
(a) Baker.
(b) Pearson.
(c) Garraty.
(d) Barkovitch.

7. What does the yellow sky make Garraty think of?
(a) A sandstorm.
(b) Sunrise.
(c) A sunny day.
(d) A tornado sky.

8. What Walker received his ticket in Augusta in the midst of the cheering?
(a) Barrett.
(b) Abraham.
(c) Milligan.
(d) Joe.

9. What does the soldier who gives Garraty his third warning look like?
(a) Young and dark.
(b) Middle-age and graying.
(c) Young and blond.
(d) Older with white blond hair.

10. What college do the young men who make a human pyramid attend?
(a) Harvard.
(b) Maine State University.
(c) University of Maine.
(d) University of New Hampshire.

11. What three Walkers did people from out-of-state cheer for?
(a) Barkovitch, Pearson, Wyman.
(b) Parker, McVries, Johnson.
(c) Scramm, Baker, Abraham.
(d) Olson, Abraham, Washington.

12. What is Scramm most likely ill with?
(a) Cold.
(b) Bronchitis.
(c) Allergies.
(d) Pneumonia.

13. What tribe are the two brothers members of?
(a) Sioux.
(b) Iroquois.
(c) Hopi.
(d) Cherokee.

14. Where do the brothers come from?
(a) Arizona.
(b) California.
(c) New York.
(d) New Mexico.

15. Why do the boys talk about snuff in Chapter 13?
(a) The soldiers have snuff.
(b) It was one of the questions on the application.
(c) The Major uses snuff.
(d) One of the Walkers has some.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Stebbins, the average housewife walks how many miles a day without realizing it?

2. What does Garraty compare the crowd in Augusta to?

3. Garraty remembers getting water cramps once after drinking a lot of ice-cold water. What activity had made him so thirsty?

4. Who receives his ticket during a hailstorm?

5. Who took the test on the spur of the moment because he had his Work Permit that allowed him into the gym?

(see the answer keys)

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