The Lady in the Lake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lady in the Lake Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marlowe think of Degarmo's tactics?
(a) He thinks Degarmo's tactics are clever.
(b) He thinks Degarmo's tactics are stupid.
(c) He thinks Degarmo's tactics are sly.
(d) He thinks Degarmo's tactics are funny.

2. What choice does Marlowe give the woman he meets at the Peacock Lounge?
(a) She must either give herself up, or he'll turn her in.
(b) She must either come with him, or he'll take her by force.
(c) She must talk with either him or the cops.
(d) She must either talk with her husband or get no money.

3. What expression is on Patton's face when Marlowe says Degarmo knows Marlowe has already proved Mrs. Kingsley innocent?
(a) A look of anger.
(b) None.
(c) A look of shock.
(d) A look of amusement.

4. Does Kingsley say he was in Bay City the previous night?
(a) No, he says he didn't go there.
(b) Yes, he says he drove around but didn't see Marlowe or his wife.
(c) Yes, he says he followed Marlowe.
(d) No, he says he thought about it but didn't go.

5. Who do the Graysons suspect Dr. Almore of having an affair with?
(a) A woman whose name neither one knows.
(b) Miss Fromsett.
(c) Mildred Haviland.
(d) Crystal Kingsley.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prevents Degarmo from getting away?

2. In Captain Webber's office, where does Degarmo sit?

3. What do the police who stop Marlowe make him do?

4. What does Patton say about his stomach?

5. Who talked to Mrs. Kingsley when she called to ask for money?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Marlowe say about Muriel's explanation of why she went back to Lavery's the morning after the murder?

2. How does Grayson describe Dr. Almore's practice?

3. How does Grayson describe Mr. Talley?

4. How does Degarmo act toward the sentries at the dam on the way to the cabin?

5. What does the parking attendant at the Grenada assume Marlowe is there for?

6. What reason does Marlowe give to Degarmo for telling Degarmo all Marlowe suspects, on the ride up to Kingsley's cabin?

7. Who does Marlowe call to verify where Kingsley has gone, once he guesses where it is?

8. How does Marlowe get out of the apartment at the Granada?

9. How does Degarmo react when Marlowe tells him about Mrs. Fallbrook?

10. After Patton shoots at Degarmo, what does Degarmo do?

(see the answer keys)

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