The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Indian perceive salvation? (Chapter Five).
(a) As something solely individual.
(b) As something open to anyone who would believe.
(c) As something attainable only by a few people.
(d) As part of society and the cosmos, as well as individual.

2. Why does poetry tend to eradicate history? (Chapter Seven).
(a) Because it disdains history.
(b) Because it transcends history.
(c) Because it does not understand history.
(d) Because it attempts to explicate history.

3. What should Mexicans recognize about their alienation from the world?
(a) It can be reversed only by a charismatic leader.
(b) It is unique to their country.
(c) It is shared by many people around the world.
(d) It has managed to cut them off completely.

4. What was the purpose of the publishing house Fondo de Cultura Economica?
(a) To act as a façade for Revolutionary pamphlets.
(b) To print books as cheaply as possible.
(c) To print texts about Mexican life and culture.
(d) To print texts about economics for South Americans.

5. Which of the following contributed to making colonialism alive and relevant?
(a) Imperial takeover.
(b) Catholicism.
(c) Violence.
(d) Native acceptance.

6. According to Paz, what must be the first step toward reform?
(a) A struggle against rampant government corruption.
(b) A return to traditionalism.
(c) A complete overthrow of the socialist state.
(d) A struggle against the lie that makes colonialism official.

7. What is Paz's solution for the lack of capital?
(a) Learn to harness the raw materials.
(b) Build better and more factories.
(c) Invest in other economies, particularly the United States.
(d) Use human labor to the best advantage.

8. Why did the Spaniards not exterminate the Indians after they were conquered?
(a) They wanted to learn from the Indians.
(b) Their Catholicism prevented mass slaughter.
(c) They needed labor.
(d) They respected the Indians.

9. What was the Mexican intellectual's goal?
(a) Propagation of the arts.
(b) Educational reform.
(c) Political action.
(d) Cultural education.

10. What economic goal did the Revolution have?
(a) To improve the commerce that had already been established.
(b) To establish commerce and industry.
(c) To pull the nation out of poverty.
(d) To free Mexico from dependence on Spain.

11. In Paz's argument, how have tradition and religion always been presented to the Mexicans?
(a) As things leading to their spiritual salvation.
(b) As things that will solidify their national identity.
(c) As things that stifle their individuality.
(d) As things to be held lightly or discarded.

12. What is one factor that drives world markets?
(a) The inability of third-world markets to compete.
(b) The unequal distribution of raw materials.
(c) The low cost of raw materials, and the high cost of manufactured products.
(d) The unchallenged advantages of advanced countries.

13. How did the Independence movement begin in South America?
(a) Under the leadership of impassioned leader, San Martin.
(b) With simultaneous victories sweeping the continent.
(c) With Mexican housewives gradually overturning the governing body.
(d) With a small band of determined revolutionaries.

14. Why have Mexican culture and politics vacillated from one extreme to another? (Chapter Seven, page 157).
(a) Because Mexicans deny their Spanish and Indian heritage.
(b) Because Mexicans cannot invent their history from the beginning.
(c) Because there has never been a strong Mexican leader.
(d) Because Mexicans have difficulty synthesizing experiences.

15. Which of the following created the Spanish monarchy?
(a) Violence.
(b) Diversity.
(c) Unity.
(d) Political will.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where have the great revolutions of the 20th Century occurred?

2. When did the Plan of Ayala go into effect?

3. In Jose Gaos' thought, what unique opportunity do young people have through their education?

4. Who were the last people to enter the Valley of Mexico?

5. What question did Edmundo O'Gorman try to answer?

(see the answer keys)

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