The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4 The Sons of La Malinche.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the pachuco present himself to the people around him?
(a) As a solitary, challenging figure.
(b) As one of the group.
(c) As a lost man.
(d) As a man searching for a home.

2. What makes the foreigner skeptical about Mexicans (Chapter Four)?
(a) Their poor economy.
(b) Their lavish festivals.
(c) Their indiscriminate money spending for fiestas.
(d) Their unforeseen violence and cult of death.

3. Why does the modern novelist rarely choose the worker as his protagonist?
(a) The worker is not modern enough.
(b) The worker cannot adequately capture what the novelist wants to convey.
(c) The worker is too recent and similar to his boss.
(d) The worker is not a universal figure.

4. Paz says that during critical moments in a nation's development, the people ask themselves a critical question. What is that question?
(a) Who should lead us?
(b) Who are we and how can we fulfill this obligation?
(c) How can we move forward?
(d) How do we want the future to look?

5. How does the philosophy of progress treat death?
(a) It disregards death entirely.
(b) It treats death as one more step in life.
(c) It minimizes death.
(d) It pretends to make death disappear.

Short Answer Questions

1. What model do Mexicans prefer that the woman follow?

2. As Paz begins Chapter Two, he says that the Mexican is always afraid to glance at his neighbor. What reason does he give for that?

3. In the book's argument, what happens when a Mexican woman is passive?

4. What does the pachuco represent in Paz's writing?

5. How are the evil words a sign and seal?

(see the answer key)

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