The House of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Samuel Shem
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Tina the anorexic get to the House?
(a) By walking miles.
(b) By being forced out of her home.
(c) By sleeping outside and being found by Roy.
(d) By taxi.

2. Which intern does Roy see frustrated, which convinces Roy they are all the same?
(a) Chuck.
(b) Howie.
(c) Potts.
(d) The Runt.

3. Where are Roy and his friends when Berry gives them all advice?
(a) At the bar.
(b) On a canoe trip.
(c) On a trip to volunteer for gomers.
(d) At Roy's birthday party.

4. Who was going ahead with a fellowship in thanatology?
(a) Chuck.
(b) Fat Man.
(c) The Runt.
(d) Hooper.

5. What is NOT one of the theories about what is inside of Olive's humps?
(a) Big pimentos.
(b) The milk of human kindness.
(c) Petrol gas.
(d) Oxygen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first disadvantage listed of all the specialties except psychiatry?

2. The last mime in the show Roy and Berry attended was called what?

3. What did Roy's patient Olive have that most of the interns had never seen before?

4. Who was the last person Potts talked to before he died?

5. What does Roy find out about Molly in Chapter 17?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is so strange about how Eat My Dust Eddie speaks about his newborn baby?

2. What single incident, with the hepatitis woman, made it hard for Roy "to do extremely well for a minute or two"? How did Roy and the nurse react?

3. What is Roy's father's reaction to finding out that Roy is going into psychiatry?

4. When Roy goes to find the Fat Man outside of the hospital, why does he realize that he had never let him see his house before?

5. Why can't they ever get rid of the one gomer Harry the Horse?

6. What is a Blue Blazer, and what happens when Roy calls one up?

7. What does Berry say was a huge trigger for Roy's regression?

8. When Roy finds out that Molly is seeing another intern named Howie, what kind of hypothetical situation does he conjure up in his mind?

9. What was happening that made the interns all more isolated from one another?

10. What is Pinkus' state of health as opposed to how he used to be?

(see the answer keys)

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