'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Ernst Klee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Ernst Klee
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the 'the Good Old Days': The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 'Food in the officers' mess excellent'—Auschwitz.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Fritz describe the Jews?
(a) Monkey people.
(b) Sons of Abraham.
(c) Ape people.
(d) Jude.

2. How did the Lithuanians see the German invasion of their country?
(a) As a disaster.
(b) With indifference.
(c) As a liberation.
(d) As a danger for the Jews.

3. Why did Kube once thank a Jew for?
(a) Saving his life.
(b) Saving his car.
(c) Returning his lost wallet.
(d) Saving his dog.

4. What did the Germans first use to gas people at Belzec?
(a) Gasoline.
(b) Bottled gas or exhaust fumes.
(c) Zyklon B.
(d) Wood smoke.

5. What was the third method used by Nazis to kill Jews?
(a) Gas planes.
(b) Shooting.
(c) Gas vans.
(d) Death camps.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did the event of "'In the interest of maintaining military discipline..." take place?

2. How were the bodies of the Babi Yar ravine massacre disposed of?

3. What did a soldier have to overcome while killing the Jewish prisoners?

4. What did "Verdict against SS- Untersturmführer Max Täubner, 24 May 1943" make clear Taubner wasn't assigned as?

5. How many people were gassed during the record day according to Rudolf Hoss?

(see the answer key)

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