The Glass Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Castle Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeannette Walls
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Erma differ from Grandma Smith?
(a) Erma is very kind and shy, while Grandma Smith was standoffish.
(b) Erma is callous and rough, while Grandma Smith was very nurturing.
(c) Erma is very urban and streetwise, while Grandma Smith was very "country".
(d) Erma is close her family, and Grandma Smith was distant.

2. What event leads to Rex's becoming (temporarily) sober in Part 4?
(a) He gets ill and is hospitalized for a time.
(b) His daughter begs him to get sober before her wedding.
(c) His doctor tells him he'll die if he doesn't get sober.
(d) Rose Mary threatens to leave him if he doesn't stop drinking.

3. In 7th grade, Jeannette finds a sense of belonging by:
(a) Working for the school newspaper and a small local paper.
(b) Finally finding a group of friends.
(c) Getting a full time job in a nursing home.
(d) Becoming closer friends with Dinitia.

4. Where do the children go to shower after there is no longer any bathroom in their house?
(a) To their Grandpa's apartment.
(b) To their friends' houses.
(c) To the swimming pool.
(d) To a public restroom at a gas station.

5. How do Rose Mary and Rex react to the children's story about the incident between Erma and Brian?
(a) They side with Erma, saying the children should have behaved better.
(b) They are enraged at Erma.
(c) They pretend that they do not hear what the children are saying.
(d) They beat the children for lying.

6. What does Jeannette decide to do instead of following the guidance counselor's advice?
(a) To stay at home, but drop out of school.
(b) To apply to top-notch schools.
(c) To wait for graduation and then move back to Phoenix.
(d) To move to New York City immediately, even before graduating high school.

7. What does Rex tell Jeannette when he takes her to the bus station in Part 3?
(a) That she is making a huge mistake and will not be able to get along without her family.
(b) That she is always welcome to change her mind and come back home.
(c) That he knows that she will be a huge success.
(d) That once she leaves, she is no longer welcome in the home.

8. What does Rose Mary tell the kids when they complain about their living conditions?
(a) That they need to go out and get jobs to help the family.
(b) That if they are unhappy they should leave.
(c) That many people on their street have worse situations than theirs.
(d) That they are very lucky that they have their siblings.

9. What does Brian's mother do with what Jeanette and Brian find while foraging in the woods?
(a) She keeps it because it "raises her spirits".
(b) She gives it as a gift to a friend.
(c) She loses it before she can sell it.
(d) She sells it to a neighbor for less than it is worth.

10. What is the children's sleeping arrangement in their new home in Part 3?
(a) They finally have their own rooms.
(b) The children decide that they will all sleep together in the shed.
(c) They sleep in one room and make beds out of ropes because there is no furniture.
(d) They all sleep in one big bed.

11. What is the high school guidance counselor's advice for Jeannette?
(a) To keep her aspirations low, considering her background.
(b) To find a vocational school to go to, and live at home.
(c) To graduate high school and find a college to go to in West Virginia.
(d) To get married and not worry about school.

12. Where is Rose Mary living at the time of the Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) In Lori's apartment.
(b) In a women's shelter.
(c) In her own apartment.
(d) In the same abandoned apartment building that she and Rex had been squatting in for years.

13. Where does Rex take Jeannette while her mother is gone in Part 3?
(a) To a dance at her school.
(b) To buy a new dress for school.
(c) To a pool hall.
(d) To the opera.

14. How does Rex put Jeannette in a potentially dangerous situation in Part 3?
(a) By having her "entertain" a man who he is playing pool with.
(b) By giving her alcohol.
(c) By letting her stay out all night.
(d) By leaving her alone at home.

15. How do Jeannette's views of her parents' behavior change as she develops into a teenager?
(a) She is becoming resentful towards them.
(b) She starts to make excuses and find ways to justify all of the things that they have done.
(c) She understands more why they have done what they have done, and she agrees with them.
(d) She can no longer make excuses for their actions, as she did as a small child.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Jeannette's grandparents feel about her relationship with Dinitia?

2. Who is Dinitia?

3. How does Jeannette handle the family's finances while her mother is out of town?

4. What incident gets Maureen sentenced to one year in the hospital?

5. Why does Rex get upset about Maureen moving in with Lori?

(see the answer keys)

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