The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Hard

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Door in the Wall Test | Final Test - Hard

Marguerite De Angeli
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are only the women present for dinner the evening of the fog in Section 8?

2. How does John make money while Robin plays in Section 7?

3. Where does Robin sleep at the inn on the second evening of his journey?

4. What does Robin pretend to be, in order to not be suspected in Section 9?

5. How do Brother Luke, Brother Matthews, and Robin escape the inn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the plan for the attack on the Welsh? How will the aid army know when to strike, and how will they strike?

2. Describe Robin’s relationship with Alan-at-gate. What type of person is Alan, and what does Robin learn about him quickly?

3. Explain how Robin and his protectors escape the inn. How do they flee their attackers?

4. What happens before the end of the day in Section 8? What does that mean for the people of the town? Where are they?

5. Explain how Robin helps his friends escape being robbed. What does he do, and how does it work to help them?

6. Describe John-go-in-the-Wynd’s departure. Where is he going? What does he make sure Robin knows how to do before he goes? Where does he make sure Robin knows how to go?

7. Explain Brother Luke’s response to Robin’s questions of whether or not he will walk. What does Brother Luke say, and how is this important for Robin’s self-esteem?

8. Describe the woods where Robin’s group eats, and the cabin where they sleep the night before they enter Lindsay.

9. Describe the White Hart. What is it, how do the men feel about it. How does it look?

10. Describe what Robin sees, once the strike on the Welsh has begun, and after its success.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Sounds play an important role in the novel, from the church bells Robin uses to gauge time to the sounds of the monk footfalls outside his door to the role of the harp John-go-in-the-Wynd by the end of the novel. Discuss, in depth, why you think the author used sound so much in the novel. What do the sounds mean to Robin? To John and Brother Luke? What does the author convey by using the sounds Robin hears to set scenes?

Essay Topic 2

At the end of the novel, Robin risks his own life to save the castle. Discuss the various life tools he used during his adventure, and explain where he learned the skills he needed to achieve success. How did his strength training help him? How did his spiritual training help? His woodworking? His schoolwork? His ability to relate to others? His ability to accept his disability, and in fact, to use it to his advantage?

Essay Topic 3

Food plays an important role in the novel. How does food force Robin into accepting Brother Luke in the beginning of the novel? How does Brother Luke entice Robin to eat as he is preoccupied with whittling? When Brother Luke, Robin, and John all stop to eat after traveling all day, Robin mentions “hunger sauced it better than the finest cook could have done” (pg. 52). What does this mean? What does hunger teach Robin? How is food used to gain Robin a friend in D’Ath? How is food used by John’s mother in the novel? How is it used to celebrate at the end of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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