The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name does Paul give for his wife to the principal in Chapter 30?
(a) Michelle.
(b) Carla.
(c) Jaime.
(d) Anna.

2. What has Serge decided to do, as made clear by the end of the dinner at the restaraunt?
(a) Drop out of the race for prime minister.
(b) File for divorce.
(c) Move permanently to France.
(d) Use his connections to cover up the boys' crime.

3. Outside the restaurant, what additional information does Michel reveal to Paul?
(a) That he has already been to the police to confess to the crime.
(b) That Beau is using the cell phone video to blackmail Michel and Rick.
(c) The video has been posted by a stranger who hacked his phone.
(d) That his new girlfriend was also present at the incident.

4. What test is usually used to diagnose Paul's disorder?
(a) A DNA test.
(b) An amniotic fluid test.
(c) A psychological test.
(d) A blood test.

5. During the meeting with his principal, what does Paul consider doing?
(a) Trying to explain the stress that he had been under.
(b) Daring the principal to discipline him.
(c) Physically assaulting the principal.
(d) Quitting his job then and there.

6. Serge and Babetter visit Michel at home on the eve of an important event for Clair; what is that event?
(a) Birthday.
(b) Promotion at work.
(c) Having her second baby.
(d) Surgery.

7. What promise does Paul elicit from Claire after he begins his treatment?
(a) That she will always take care of him.
(b) That if his personality changes, she will tell him.
(c) That if he dies, she will find another husband.
(d) To never let him miss a medication dose.

8. After the newscast, what realization does Paul choose to withhold from Claire?
(a) That he does not know the people who committed the crime.
(b) That Michel and Rick are the attackers.
(c) That Michel and Rick acted in self-defense.
(d) That Michel and Rick are witnesses, but otherwise uninvolved.

9. On the night of the news broadcast, what does Paul suggest while talking with Michel?
(a) To tell Claire, then decide as a family what they are going to do.
(b) That they go to the police and confess to the crime.
(c) That they meet with Serge to get legal advice.
(d) That they remain silent about the ATM incident.

10. After the incident at the bike shop, what agreement do Paul and Michel make?
(a) They agree that they will never go into the bike shop again.
(b) They agree to tell Claire the whole story.
(c) They agree to tell Claire about paying for the window, but nothing else.
(d) They agree to keep it a secret between them.

11. Outside the restaurant, when Paul tells Michel that he has seen the videos on his phone, what does Michel want to know?
(a) If Paul wants to hear the whole story of what happened.
(b) Whether or not Paul is going to turn him in.
(c) Whether or not Claire knows.
(d) If Paul will help him destroy the evidence.

12. How does Paul respond when Serge tries to calm him down on the night Serge and Babette are at Paul's house for dinner?
(a) Paul settles down and agrees to Serge's proposal.
(b) Paul ignores him and workes on cleaning the kitchen.
(c) Paul savagely beats his brother with a hot saucepan.
(d) Paul withdraws and locks himself in his bedroom.

13. What happens when the restaurant owner comes over to the table?
(a) Babette throws a glass of wine at him.
(b) The owner asks all of them to leave.
(c) The owner offers them another dinner free of charge.
(d) Paul screams obscenities at him and orders him away.

14. What does Michel insist to Paul about the incident?
(a) That they had nothing to do with the attack.
(b) That the woman deserved what she got.
(c) That they thought the gas can was empty.
(d) The Rick was the ringleader and forced him into it.

15. How does the video on the news broadcast that Paul and Claire see end?
(a) With clear pictures of Michel and Rick.
(b) With Serge going before the cameras and insisting the attackers be brought to justice.
(c) With the gas can igniting and engulfing the old woman in flames.
(d) With the arrival of the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Beau, Rick, and Michel stop on their way home from a party?

2. Later on the night of the news broadcast, what does Paul look for online?

3. In the flashback to when Paul is still teaching, where does he take a trip to?

4. What happens to Paul as a result of his treatments for his psychological condition?

5. What dies Paul discover during Serge and Babette's visit to his home for dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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