The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dinner Test | Final Test - Easy

Herman Koch
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has a loud argument over the dessert course?
(a) Babette and Claire.
(b) Serge and Paul.
(c) Serge and Babette.
(d) Paul and Claire.

2. What test is usually used to diagnose Paul's disorder?
(a) A DNA test.
(b) A blood test.
(c) A psychological test.
(d) An amniotic fluid test.

3. What suggestion of the principal's does Paul agree with?
(a) To apologize to his students.
(b) To revise his curriculum.
(c) To take a vacation.
(d) To visit with the school psychologist.

4. Who at the table is the first to call what the boys did a murder?
(a) Babette.
(b) Serge.
(c) Claire.
(d) Paul.

5. How much does Serge say people get for manslaughter in their country?
(a) Six years.
(b) Nine years.
(c) Two years.
(d) Ten years.

6. Outside the restaurant, when Paul tells Michel that he has seen the videos on his phone, what does Michel want to know?
(a) Whether or not Paul is going to turn him in.
(b) If Paul will help him destroy the evidence.
(c) If Paul wants to hear the whole story of what happened.
(d) Whether or not Claire knows.

7. What unexpected event occurs after Paul beigns taking medication?
(a) Paul is offered a new teaching position.
(b) Serge is in a serious auto accident.
(c) Claire falls suddenly ill.
(d) Claire becomes pregnant.

8. How does the video on the news broadcast that Paul and Claire see end?
(a) With the arrival of the police.
(b) With the gas can igniting and engulfing the old woman in flames.
(c) With Serge going before the cameras and insisting the attackers be brought to justice.
(d) With clear pictures of Michel and Rick.

9. How much does Paul believe Claire knows about the boys' involvement in the incident?
(a) He believes that she suspects, but does not want to admit the truth.
(b) He believes she knows nothing about it.
(c) He believes she knows some of the story, but is missing vital facts.
(d) He believes she knows the whole story.

10. How does the bike shop owner respond to Paul's visit?
(a) He angrily refers to Michel as a punk.
(b) He gives Michel a bell for his handlebars.
(c) He tries to sell him a newer, more expensive bike.
(d) He thanks Paul for covering the damage.

11. What happens when Babette tries to send her dessert back at the restaurant?
(a) It spills all over Paul.
(b) The manager takes it off the bill.
(c) Serge eats it instead.
(d) Claire offeres to trade hers for it.

12. During the meeting with his principal, why does Paul decide to not act on his impulses?
(a) He wants to discuss his options with Claire first.
(b) He knows he will lose his job if he does.
(c) He thinks about Michel.
(d) He fears he would be arrested.

13. Outside the restaurant, what offer does Paul make to Michel?
(a) To send Michel to live at Serge's summer house until things settle.
(b) To go with him to the police station and offer his emotional support.
(c) To destroy Michel's cell phone and buy him a new one.
(d) To take the blame for the incident.

14. Paul notes in Chapter 36 that both he and Michel have a dislike for what?
(a) Sweet desserts.
(b) Bananas.
(c) Baked potatoes.
(d) Salty snacks.

15. What name does Paul give for his wife to the principal in Chapter 30?
(a) Jaime.
(b) Michelle.
(c) Anna.
(d) Carla.

Short Answer Questions

1. Later on the night of the news broadcast, what does Paul look for online?

2. What does Michel insist to Paul about the incident?

3. What chance is Serge unwilling to take?

4. After the incident at the bike shop, what agreement do Paul and Michel make?

5. What do Beau, Rick, and Michel do when they first discover a homeless woman on their way home from a party?

(see the answer keys)

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