The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Shelby Steele
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Shelby Steele
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Steele's son's name?
(a) Eli.
(b) John.
(c) Mark.
(d) Shelby III.

2. What does Steele say is a bad source of recomposition for blacks?
(a) Graduating from institutions of higher learning.
(b) Black nationalism.
(c) White nationalism.
(d) Learning ancestral roots.

3. Of the following, what did Chapter 4 say freedom brought for blacks?
(a) Happiness.
(b) Stresses.
(c) Wealth.
(d) Love.

4. In what type of setting did Steele experience discrimination and therefore the feeling of inferiority?
(a) Segregated grocery store.
(b) Segregated social club.
(c) Segregated church.
(d) Segregated school.

5. How did Steele say blacks address doubt?
(a) They deal with it head-on.
(b) They ask others to help them deal with it.
(c) They never have doubts.
(d) They avoid it.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Steele's mind, what undermines the struggles for freedom?

2. According to Steele, what did he have to remember and forget when writing?

3. What type of shock did Steele say individuals are said to be a part of when in mixed-race situations?

4. Steele believes some people have chosen what over race?

5. According to Chapter 2, many blacks are afraid to do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Steele say race-holding negatively affects the civil rights freedoms won decades ago? What must blacks do to avoid this?

2. How do whites act innocent when it comes to the racial struggle, as per Steele's opinion?

3. What effect did Steele say integration shock has on blacks' attitude about racism as a whole? How did he say it affects their individual attitudes?

4. According to Steele, the processes that drives one's mind are standard across racial / ethnic lines. Why is this an important observation?

5. In Chapter 1, Steele said the only way to do away with racial problems is for all to move from a racial consciousness to a moral consciousness. What does that mean?

6. How did Steele say the black students in his classes react to discussions of racism?

7. In Steele's opinion, why is the black, underclass group continually expanding?

8. Steele quoted a former professor by saying, 'Ideas themselves come a dime a dozen.' Why is understanding this relevant to understanding this book?

9. According to Steele, how does black nationalism ultimately affect blacks?

10. In line with Steele's experience, how are individualistic blacks received by those who have conformed to the 'black identity'?

(see the answer keys)

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