The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Webb visually inspect near the speakers' microphones at the airport?
(a) A hidden plastic gun.
(b) A small package possibly containing a grenade or plastic explosive.
(c) All of the above.
(d) A sniper stand and hiding site.

2. Before they flee, what does Webb plant on Sheng's body after he kills him in the clearing?
(a) A phone number where the Beijing police can reach Webb.
(b) A file with information linking Sheng to d'Anjou's murder.
(c) Evidence supporting Sheng's corrupt involvement with the PRC.
(d) A bank book from a confidential account in the Cayman Islands.

3. How did Sheng obtain the file McAllister says will ensure his safety at the meeting in the clearing?
(a) None of the above.
(b) One of his men stole it from the Victoria Peak mansion.
(c) Havilland is a double agent and turned it over.
(d) Sheng's men created a fake file to present as the real one.

4. Which two characters work on editing the dead assassin's profile as Webb prepares to leave for Macau?
(a) McAllister and Panov.
(b) Panov and Marie.
(c) Webb and McAllister.
(d) Conklin and Panov.

5. On the night of the great blade, what does the first woman prisoner reveal to the crowd about Sheng before she is executed?
(a) He will force everyone to join his army.
(b) He will enslave common people if he is in power.
(c) He will remove educational opportunities for the common people.
(d) He will gain economic freedom for the poor.

Short Answer Questions

1. As he drives toward Hong Kong and the Victoria Peak mansion, what does Webb plan to do when he arrives at the mansion?

2. How does Webb feel after he and the impostor bail from the plane, land in the New Territories, and secure safe transportation?

3. While devising their plan to uncover the traitor, how does Havilland attempt to force Conklin to turn in Marie?

4. After being injured outside the cinema, what does Lin announce to McAllister and Conklin when he staggers into the mansion?

5. After they arrive in Beijing and tail this suspect to his hotel, who do Webb and d'Anjou learn Joseph Wadsworth is?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Havilland convince Staples that giving up Marie is necessary?

2. How does Webb narrow down the possible avenues of attack on the target at the airport?

3. Which Webb/Bourne identity ultimately kills Sheng at the meeting in the clearing?

4. In Chapter 36, why does Sheng suspect the situation is not being handled by a professional?

5. Summarize the interaction between Nelson and Staples at their meeting at the opening of Chapter 17.

6. How does the author use foreshadowing at the end of Chapter 30?

7. Describe Webb's initial interactions with the Macau conduit he follows outside of the casino.

8. What does Panov suggest to Marie and Webb before he leaves to go home and attend to patients?

9. How does Webb move forward with his plan to save Marie after escaping the trap set at the memorial hall?

10. What do Staples' actions in the Victoria Peak mansion suggest about her character?

(see the answer keys)

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