The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Supremacy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As he knows Webb is approaching, why is Conklin fearful after he puts Marie and Panov into a taxi?
(a) He knows exactly who Webb wants to kill.
(b) He knows he can no longer predict Webb's actions.
(c) He knows Webb will kill him.
(d) He knows Webb will never reconnect with Marie.

2. As the first prisoner is being tortured and executed at the Jing Shan Sanctuary, what signal does d'Anjou attempt to send Webb?
(a) d'Anjou cowers to the ground.
(b) d'Anjou fails to grovel.
(c) d'Anjou signals not to harm Sheng.
(d) d'Anjou speaks in code.

3. As McAllister sets up the planned meeting between himself and Sheng, what piece of information does McAllister share with Sheng that is intended to protect McAllister during the meeting?
(a) He is bringing two highly trained body guards with him for protection.
(b) He has a file on Sheng in Washington which will be released if anything happens to him.
(c) A special operative team will be monitoring the meeting closely.
(d) He, himself, is a highly trained agent with the ability to protect himself.

4. At the end of Chapter 30, what "signal" does Conklin see that prompts him to warn Panov to get Marie out of their hiding place immediately?
(a) He learns McAllister is a traitor.
(b) He gets a phone call from Bourne.
(c) He sees Havilland leaving the hospital in a rush.
(d) He is contacted by Sheng.

5. After being injured outside the cinema, what does Lin announce to McAllister and Conklin when he staggers into the mansion?
(a) Dragonfly has arrived in Beijing.
(b) Dragonfly has contacted him.
(c) Dragonfly is cut off from Sheng.
(d) Dragonfly has reconnected with Sheng.

6. How do Havilland and McAllister react upon hearing Conklin's news that Catherine Staples was gruesomely murdered outside of her home?
(a) Relieved it was not Marie.
(b) Upset it was not Marie.
(c) Relieved it was not Bourne.
(d) Upset it was not Sheng.

7. As Webb and McAllister argue their plan to Havilland, what does McAllister warn Webb about if he fails to follow orders?
(a) That Webb's wife and friends are still in his custody.
(b) That he will expose Webb's plan to Sheng.
(c) That he will hide Marie forever from Webb.
(d) That he will kill Webb himself.

8. What covers are Webb and McAllister using to arrive by helicopter at the hospital?
(a) Janitorial staff.
(b) Paramedics.
(c) Doctors.
(d) Pilots.

9. Before going to the casino, what do McAllister and Webb obtain from their visit back to d'Anjou's flat?
(a) Rest.
(b) Food.
(c) Explosives.
(d) Guns.

10. With whom does Catherine Staples have a conversation in the beginning of Chapter 17?
(a) John Nelson.
(b) Edward McAllister.
(c) Jonathan Lewis.
(d) Raymond Havilland.

11. How does Webb feel after he and the impostor bail from the plane, land in the New Territories, and secure safe transportation?
(a) Relaxed.
(b) Angered.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Excited.

12. After hearing that his airport plans have been destroyed, who does Sheng summon?
(a) Catherine Staples.
(b) Raymond Havilland.
(c) The impostor Bourne.
(d) Jason Webb.

13. What does Havilland hope will be the outcome of Webb's plan to confront Sheng?
(a) Webb will kill Sheng.
(b) Webb will capture Sheng.
(c) Sheng will kill Webb.
(d) Webb will torture Sheng.

14. What does Webb realize as he emerges from the trap set for him at the mausoleum?
(a) d'Anjou is a double agent.
(b) Marie is unlikely to be found.
(c) The CIA set the trap.
(d) d'Anjou is missing.

15. What does it seemingly prove to Marie when Lin reacts to her calling out "Delta" and "Carlos" to distract him from seeing Staples near the parking garage?
(a) Lin does not know the true story.
(b) The government is involved.
(c) Staples is an unreliable ally.
(d) The government is trying to help her.

Short Answer Questions

1. After driving out of the bird sanctuary with the impostor at the wheel, why does Webb decide to head to a local airport?

2. After the men in Victoria Peak hear the belated news about Staples' death, who does Havilland tell McAllister to check out further in order to determine who is betraying their plan?

3. In the beginning of Chapter 31, how does Havilland explain Webb's apparent sloppiness when he is traced?

4. How did Sheng obtain the file McAllister says will ensure his safety at the meeting in the clearing?

5. Which of the following statements best describes Sheng on the night of the great blade?

(see the answer keys)

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