The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Mr. Thornton's response to Florence in Chapter 8, what has prevented him from visiting The Bookshop?
(a) Illness.
(b) Death.
(c) Distance.
(d) Crowds

2. At the end of the story, what is not wanted in Hardborough?
(a) A new restaurant.
(b) A bookshop.
(c) An art museum.
(d) A new city council.

3. Which church does Florence attend?
(a) The Vicar.
(b) Community Church.
(c) The Church of England.
(d) St. Edmunds.

4. In what year and season is The Bookshop closed?
(a) Winter,1959.
(b) Summer, 1960.
(c) Spring, 1960.
(d) Winter, 1960.

5. What happens during tea at the Old House in Chapter 5?
(a) Kattie knocks on the door.
(b) The rapper stirs up a ruckus.
(c) The lights go out.
(d) A storm starts to howl.

6. How much profit does Florence make during the first week of December from Lolita?
(a) 100 pounds.
(b) 82 pounds.
(c) 50 pounds.
(d) 500 pounds.

7. Who closes the shop to read while Florence is away?
(a) Milo North.
(b) Mr. Raven.
(c) Mr. Brundish.
(d) Christine.

8. What kind of clothing does Christine wear in the school's Christmas play?
(a) Dress.
(b) Formal gown.
(c) Bikini.
(d) Jeans.

9. At the beginning of Chapter 7, who visits the Old House Bookshop?
(a) Mr. Brundish.
(b) Violet Gamart.
(c) Mr. Raven.
(d) Milo North.

10. Who does Christine rap on the knuckles with a ruler?
(a) Mr. Raven.
(b) Mrs. Gamart.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Her younger sister.

11. All EXCEPT who of the following is hostile towards Florence?
(a) Mr. Welford.
(b) Mr. Raven.
(c) Mr. Gill.
(d) Mr. Deben.

12. What legislation does the House of Lords amend?
(a) The Private Bill.
(b) The Wage Law.
(c) The City Code.
(d) The Education Act.

13. What is Florence delivering to the Women's Institute?
(a) Wildflower handbooks.
(b) Church hymnals.
(c) Herbal recipe books.
(d) Women's magazines.

14. What does Milo North predict for The Bookshop?
(a) It will prosper.
(b) It will soon close.
(c) It will win Mrs. Gamart's favor.
(d) It will be remodeled.

15. Who is Florence's solicitor?
(a) Mr. Brundish.
(b) Mr. Thornton.
(c) Milo North.
(d) Mr. Keble.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Gipping offer Florence to drink?

2. What is the center of the discussion at tea with Mr. Brundish?

3. According to Mr. Brundish, who is a very powerful citizen of Hardborough?

4. Where is a new bookshop located?

5. Which two people have given suggestions to Florence about inventory at The Bookshop?

(see the answer keys)

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