The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book Shop Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who inspects the Old House?
(a) Mr. Keble.
(b) John Gipping.
(c) General Gamart.
(d) Mr. Raven.

2. In which month does Florence receive the invitation for tea at Mr. Brundish's house?
(a) October.
(b) November.
(c) December.
(d) September.

3. What gift does Christine really want?
(a) Bunties.
(b) Charm bracelet.
(c) Lolita.
(d) Money.

4. Who is Salome?
(a) Christine's dance partner.
(b) Christine's dance teacher.
(c) Christine's dance character.
(d) Florence's new pet.

5. What does Milo North predict for The Bookshop?
(a) It will be remodeled.
(b) It will prosper.
(c) It will soon close.
(d) It will win Mrs. Gamart's favor.

6. What do the onlookers say about Christine after she uses the ruler?
(a) Christine has too much authority.
(b) Christine is a defiant brat.
(c) Christine should be taught some manners.
(d) Christine should be fired.

7. What is Florence's final word to Mr. Thornton?
(a) Silence.
(b) Bravo.
(c) Quiet.
(d) Coward.

8. After church Florence stops by Mrs. Gipping's house. What is Mrs. Gipping doing?
(a) Pruning her holly bushes.
(b) Sitting on the porch.
(c) Talking to Christine.
(d) Tending her celery.

9. Florence recalls an earlier conversation with Mr. Raven. What had he suggested to sell in The Bookshop?
(a) Lolita.
(b) A green plant.
(c) The Town Crier.
(d) Lord Tennyson's Poetry.

10. What is the brand name of the paraffin heater?
(a) Oxford.
(b) Nevercold.
(c) Trueheat.
(d) Bunsen.

11. In Florence's opinion who spends less time regretting decisions?
(a) Men.
(b) Young people.
(c) Old people.
(d) Women.

12. What picture is depicted on the tea tray which Florence uses in Chapter 5?
(a) The coronation of Queen Elizabeth.
(b) A London restaurant.
(c) Two old fishermen.
(d) Tower of Big Ben.

13. At the beginning of Chapter 7, who visits the Old House Bookshop?
(a) Mr. Brundish.
(b) Milo North.
(c) Mr. Raven.
(d) Violet Gamart.

14. What legislation does the House of Lords amend?
(a) The Education Act.
(b) The Private Bill.
(c) The City Code.
(d) The Wage Law.

15. Who delivers an invitation to Florence for tea at Mr. Brundish's house?
(a) Mrs. Gipping.
(b) Milo North.
(c) Mr. Brundish.
(d) Kattie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color is the biscuit tin that is used at the tea in Chapter 5?

2. All EXCEPT who of the following is hostile towards Florence?

3. Who tells Florence that she is working too hard?

4. Who visits Christine at school?

5. Where is a new bookshop located?

(see the answer keys)

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