The Book of Tea Test | Final Test - Easy

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Tea Test | Final Test - Easy

Okakura Kakuzō
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. There was once a great harp crafted from what?
(a) Tea.
(b) Gold.
(c) The finest tree in the land.
(d) The hair of a god.

2. With what should archaeology not be confused?
(a) Innovation.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Science.
(d) Art.

3. Many things were all consciously ______________, especially during the tea ceremony.
(a) Controlled.
(b) Spoken.
(c) Seen.
(d) Acknowledged.

4. Finally a harp master named ___________ took the harp.
(a) Unenko Tomomi.
(b) Pai Ya.
(c) Yoko Sayuri.
(d) Rin Miu.

5. What is the purpose of the garden path?
(a) It is a place to relax.
(b) It surrounds the tea room.
(c) It is a place to drink tea.
(d) It connects the larger structure with the tea room.

6. Rikyu had a final, magnificent ___________________.
(a) Tea ceremony.
(b) Dance.
(c) Lunch.
(d) Song.

7. How many schools of thought exist in flower arrangement?
(a) Five.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

8. Why might it be hard for Westerners to appreciate the Japanese tradition of wood and bamboo architecture, and, therefore, hard to appreciate the tea room itself?
(a) Wood and bamboo do not grow in the West.
(b) Wood is unappealing to many people.
(c) They are brought up to admire stone and brick architecture.
(d) Westerners do not build wooden structures.

9. How will guests salute this flower upon entering the space?
(a) With a song.
(b) With a kiss.
(c) With a profound bow.
(d) With a dance.

10. What happens when the flower withers?
(a) The plant is carefully buried.
(b) The plant is thrown away.
(c) The plant is burned.
(d) The plant is thrown into the water.

11. How does Okakura feel about modern art appreciation?
(a) He enjoys it.
(b) He supports it.
(c) He laments it.
(d) He encourages it.

12. Eastern so-called _____________________ perceive that they deal in death, and so treat flowers carefully and with honor.
(a) "Flower Lovers."
(b) "Flower Masters."
(c) "Flower Priests."
(d) "Flower Monks."

13. Their _________ dress have influenced many Japanese.
(a) Decorative.
(b) Dull.
(c) Colorful.
(d) Sober.

14. How is the music described?
(a) Smooth and graceful.
(b) Unique and interesting.
(c) Loud and overbearing.
(d) Powerful and beautiful.

15. Tea masters have done what to further art in Japan?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Much.
(c) Very little.
(d) Not much.

Short Answer Questions

1. The guests must hunch down to enter the ______________ door.

2. Many stories in Japan feature the rescue of what?

3. The tea room is primarily derived in spirit from what?

4. Even the tea-master was ______ himself.

5. To truly appreciate art, one must do what?

(see the answer keys)

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