The Age of Bede Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Bede Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 1, Bede, Life of Cuthbert.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Bede claim first chastised Cuthbert for his idleness and his indulgences?
(a) His maternal grandfather.
(b) A three-year-old child.
(c) A solemn old man.
(d) A neighbor who caught him in a prank.

2. What effect did abbots in Ireland have on the influence of bishops, according to Farmer?
(a) They had no affect on the bishops.
(b) They strengthened the bishops by collecting indulgences for them.
(c) The provided the channels for bishops to influence the population.
(d) They diminished the influence of bishops.

3. Why did a demon leave the wife of Sheriff Hildmer as he and Cuthbert approached his home, according to Bede?
(a) Because the demon realized that God would come at Cuthbert's call.
(b) The angels that always walked ahead of Cuthbert battled the angels as the wife of the sheriff slept.
(c) Because Cuthbert had prayed that God would remove the demon before the Sheriff had returned to his home.
(d) The demon could not stand the approaching of the Holy Spirit that resided in Cuthbert.

4. What did Bede claim to be Cuthbert's preoccupation when he was still eight years old?
(a) Games and carefree play.
(b) Hunting and adventuring.
(c) Praying and Chanting.
(d) Reading and writing.

5. What was the first miracle that Bede reports that Cuthbert performed?
(a) He brought a sheriff's wife back to life.
(b) He healed himself of a lame leg.
(c) He healed a sick boy near death.
(d) He calmed a wind that had nearly blown rafts carrying monks to sea with his prayers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Cuthbert inspired to rise from his sickbed in Chapter 8, according to Bede?

2. What does Farmer claim draws readers across the ages to the lives profiled in "The Age of Bede"?

3. What does Farmer identify as the basic theme of the "Navigatio"?

4. Where does Farmer claim that the earliest surviving manuscript of "Navigatio" was written?

5. What miracle did Cuthbert perform when he brought the Holy Ghost to a village that could only provide tents for him and his retinue?

(see the answer key)

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