The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

Lester J. Cappon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

Lester J. Cappon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Besides the depression, what type of problems were Adams and Jefferson following in England during the post-war world after 1815?
(a) Political.
(b) Social, economic, and political.
(c) Economic.
(d) Social.

2. What age was Jefferson before the first academic session began at the University of Virginia?
(a) Eighty-two.
(b) Seventy-eight.
(c) Eighty.
(d) Eighty-four.

3. How did Adams and Jefferson think the conditions were in the eighteenth century?
(a) Changed drastically.
(b) Improved for all.
(c) Changed slightly.
(d) Improved in some ways.

4. In Chapter 10, how was Jefferson's outlook on the future dealings with aristocracy?
(a) He was optimistic.
(b) He was uncertain.
(c) He was skeptical.
(d) He was concerned.

5. Why did the friendship between Adams and Jefferson begin to strain severely?
(a) They were in disagreement over the country's overall direction.
(b) They were writing too many letters.
(c) They were members of different parties.
(d) They were not writing enough letters.

6. How did the communication between Adams and Jefferson resume?
(a) The had a conversation at a political meeting.
(b) Jefferson wrote to Adams.
(c) They both wrote to each other at the same time.
(d) Adams wrote to Jefferson.

7. Where did Jefferson live after retiring from the secretary of state position?
(a) Waynesboro.
(b) Monticello.
(c) Norfolk.
(d) Suffolk.

8. When did Jefferson establish the University of Virginia?
(a) 1822.
(b) 1819.
(c) 1821.
(d) 1820.

9. How many abdications did Napoleon have?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) One.

10. Why were few letters written between Adams and Jefferson early in their association?
(a) They spoke with each other frequently.
(b) They did not know each other's addresses.
(c) They preferred conversations.
(d) They did not have much to say.

11. Which year did Adams and Jefferson battle each other for the presidency?
(a) 1788.
(b) 1792.
(c) 1796.
(d) 1784.

12. What aspects of history did Adams and Jefferson emphasize in their letters?
(a) The political aspects.
(b) The psychological aspects.
(c) The philosophical aspects.
(d) The economical aspects.

13. Based on Adams' explanation, when did aristocracies exist?
(a) In specific times of the past.
(b) In the past.
(c) In the present.
(d) In all times.

14. Which of the following did Adams give up in order to focus on the classics?
(a) Documents.
(b) Stories.
(c) Newspapers.
(d) Pamphlets.

15. How much time had passed before Abigail wrote Jefferson a letter?
(a) Three and a half years.
(b) Four years.
(c) Three years.
(d) Four and a half years.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Abigail Adams pass away from typhoid fever?

2. How did Adams live on his salary throughout his later years?

3. How long did Dr. Rush try to reconcile Adams and Jefferson?

4. Which documents did Adams and Jefferson want to preserve?

5. Despite the Wars, what did Adams and Jefferson think about the century?

(see the answer keys)

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