The Tempest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What subplot comes to an end at the completion of Act IV, Scene I?
(a) Ariel's dedication to Prospero.
(b) The deal between Prospero and Ariel.
(c) The plan by Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano to kill Prospero.
(d) Prospero's use of his magical powers.

2. Why does Alonso believe, following the false banquet, that Ferdinand is dead?
(a) Because he is a corrupt and evil king.
(b) Because the dancing spirits showed him Ferdinand's dead body.
(c) Because he played a role in Prospero's and Miranda's banishment.
(d) Because they would have found him by now.

3. Why is Gonzalo's comments about the dancing nymphs important during the banquet scene?
(a) They illuminate the contrasting characteristics of Antonio and Sebastian.
(b) They illuminate characteristics about the dancing nymphs.
(c) They show that Gonzalo is capable of lust.
(d) They help introduce new characters.

4. What does Gonzalo contrast to the character of his present company during the banquet?
(a) The dancing spirits Prospero conjures.
(b) Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano.
(c) Ariel.
(d) Miranda and Ferdinand.

5. What is Prospero surprised at when Ariel tells him that Antonio, Alonso, Sebastian and Gonzalo are upset and remorseful?
(a) That Ariel has not enjoyed inflicting pain on them.
(b) That Ariel does not care about them.
(c) That Ariel did not follow his orders.
(d) That Ariel, a spirit, feels compassion for them.

6. What does Prospero realize about himself when Ariel tells him about the men in the cave?
(a) That he is delighted the men are so miserable.
(b) That he does not want to leave the island.
(c) That all he desired was their apology.
(d) That he is mad with power.

7. At the end of Act IV, Scene I, what does Prospero promise to Ariel after asking him to pursue Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban?
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Imprisonment.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Love.

8. Who else does Prospero ask Ariel to bring back in Act V, Scene I?
(a) No one.
(b) The ship's crew.
(c) Juno, Iris and Ceres.
(d) Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano.

9. What motif does the scene between Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano and their assassination plan reflect?
(a) The tempest motif.
(b) The conspiracy motif.
(c) The Ariel motif.
(d) The magic motif.

10. Who does Prospero feel betrayed by in Act IV, Scene I?
(a) Alonso.
(b) Sebastian.
(c) Antonio.
(d) Caliban.

11. What does Prospero throw into the ocean?
(a) His magic book.
(b) His king's robe.
(c) His old crown.
(d) His magical staff.

12. Prospero distracts the three men from their plan of revenge; who distracts Prospero from his?
(a) Miranda.
(b) Caliban.
(c) Ariel.
(d) Ferdinand.

13. Who pretends to be Trinculo and interrupts Stephano's and Caliban's conversation?
(a) Prospero.
(b) Ariel.
(c) Miranda.
(d) Ferdinand.

14. When Trinculo and Stephano wonder where the music is coming from, what is Caliban's reasoning?
(a) They are simply imagining it.
(b) Singing causes nymphs to play their instruments.
(c) That the island is magical.
(d) It is coming from a nearby island.

15. What do Antonio, Alonso, Sebastian and Gonzalo learn about the ship in Act V, Scene I?
(a) That the ship and crew set sail without them.
(b) That the ship and crew are safe.
(c) That the ship has been destroyed.
(d) That all of the crew are dead.

Short Answer Questions

1. By the beginning of Act III, Scene II, what is the state of Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano?

2. Who are "the rabble"?

3. In the false banquet scene, what characteristic of Gonzalo is revealed that he shares with Miranda and Ferdinand?

4. Who accuses Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian of being the men of sin?

5. Why do Sebastian and Antonio vow to help Alonso find Ferdinand following the banquet?

(see the answer keys)

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