The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Prospero's magical power comes from
(a) The trees.
(b) His staff.
(c) His books.
(d) Ariel.

2. The two spirits who reside on the island with Prospero and Miranda are
(a) Trinculo and Ariel.
(b) Caliban and Ariel.
(c) Caliban and Trinculo.
(d) Trinculo and Stephano.

3. What does Miranda tell Ferdinand after he meets Prospero for the first time?
(a) Prospero wants to kill Ferdinand's father.
(b) Prospero wants them to marry.
(c) Prospero is usually much kinder.
(d) Prospero is planning to kill him.

4. What does Prospero say in his soliloquy about Miranda and Ferdinand?
(a) He does not care about their relationship.
(b) They are young and foolish.
(c) He is pleased with their growing relationship.
(d) He is displeased with their growing relationship.

5. How long ago was Antonio's usurpation of Prospero's throne in Milan?
(a) Twenty years.
(b) Fifteen years.
(c) Seventeen years.
(d) Ten years.

6. In his soliloquy, what does Ferdinand say makes his job easier?
(a) His natural strength.
(b) Thoughts of Miranda.
(c) The nice weather.
(d) Prospero's kindness.

7. When he was Duke of Milan, Prospero turned his duties over to
(a) The queen.
(b) Antonio.
(c) His loyal subjects.
(d) His council.

8. The Tempest is considered one of Shakespeare's
(a) Later works.
(b) Earlier works.
(c) Modern works.
(d) Romantic works.

9. When he was Duke of Milan, Prospero was more interested in
(a) Dancing.
(b) Governing.
(c) Learning.
(d) Leading.

10. Ariel lets the other ships return to Naples in order to
(a) Preserve their secret.
(b) Tell the kingdom the king is dead.
(c) Tell everyone where Prospero is.
(d) Spare their lives.

11. Miranda at first took pity on Caliban and tried to
(a) Teach him how to sing.
(b) Teach him how to write.
(c) Teach him how to speak.
(d) Teach him how to read.

12. Why does Stephano believe that Caliban and Trinculo are some sort of wild beasts when he sees them under the blanket?
(a) He is drunk.
(b) He has bad vision.
(c) He is ignorant.
(d) He has little education.

13. As Caliban becomes drunk, what is one of the things he promises to Trinculo and Stephano?
(a) He promises to serve them.
(b) He promises to help them off of the island.
(c) He promises to leave them alone.
(d) He promises to help mend their clothes.

14. In order to render Ferdinand defenseless after he draws his sword, Prospero
(a) talks to him sensibly.
(b) threatens to take Miranda away.
(c) uses his magic to send him back to the ship.
(d) uses his magic to immobilize him.

15. Prior to Prospero releasing him, Ariel was stuck for twelve years in a
(a) Tree.
(b) Storm.
(c) Box.
(d) Cage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sets Alonso apart from Antonio in Prospero's eyes?

2. Antonio's treatment of Prospero when they were in Milan mirrors

3. What does Miranda offer to Ferdinand while he is working?

4. When Miranda first meets Ferdinand, she believes he is

5. Prior to Prospero's arrival on the island, Ariel was imprisoned by

(see the answer keys)

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