The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Miranda offer to Ferdinand while he is working?
(a) To show him Prospero's magical books.
(b) To talk to Prospero for him.
(c) To bring him some food and water.
(d) To work in Ferdinand's place.

2. Prospero and Miranda were not killed when expelled from Milan because
(a) His people are sympathetic and pitied them.
(b) His people loved him and would resent Antonio for the murder.
(c) His people would have then killed Antonio.
(d) His people are peaceful and not aggressive.

3. Alonso becomes more distraught after losing his son, remembering that he has also lost
(a) his men.
(b) his daughter.
(c) his sanity.
(d) his kingdom.

4. When Miranda first meets Ferdinand, she believes he is
(a) A peasant.
(b) A spirit.
(c) A king.
(d) A thief.

5. What is one thing about Caliban that Stephano finds amazing?
(a) His ability to talk.
(b) His stupidity.
(c) His willingness to serve.
(d) His garish robe.

6. What is Caliban happiest about after he meets Trinculo and Stephano?
(a) That he is free from Prospero.
(b) That he now knows what wine is.
(c) That the two men are not more torturous spirits.
(d) That he has made new friends.

7. Antonio castigates the Boatswain during the storm, because he believes the sailors are
(a) Sluggish.
(b) Drunk.
(c) Incompetent.
(d) Disrespectful.

8. Prospero accuses Ferdinand of
(a) Wanting to rape Miranda.
(b) Trespassing.
(c) Wanting to steal the island.
(d) Polluting the island.

9. How does one character finally get Caliban to calm down in Act II, Scene II?
(a) By giving him money.
(b) By saying nice things to Caliban.
(c) By singing him a song.
(d) By giving Caliban wine.

10. What does Trinculo want to do with Caliban in order to make money?
(a) Sell him off as a slave.
(b) Show him off to the public.
(c) Have him steal from Antonio.
(d) Have him steal from Prospero.

11. The tempest is a symbolic form of an upheaval from a state of
(a) Harm.
(b) Nature.
(c) Peace.
(d) Disgust.

12. What does Prospero say in his soliloquy about Miranda and Ferdinand?
(a) He is pleased with their growing relationship.
(b) He is displeased with their growing relationship.
(c) He does not care about their relationship.
(d) They are young and foolish.

13. Who leads Ferdinand to Prospero?
(a) Caliban.
(b) Miranda.
(c) Ariel.
(d) Alonso.

14. Prospero's magical power comes from
(a) The trees.
(b) His staff.
(c) His books.
(d) Ariel.

15. Gonzalo's attempt to comfort his king are mocked by whom?
(a) Antonio, Adrian and Alonso.
(b) Sebastian, Adrian and Alonso.
(c) Antonio, Sebastian and Adrian
(d) Antonio, Sebastian and Alonso.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ferdinand sees Miranda for the first time, he believes she is a

2. Who wants to take over the throne of Naples?

3. Alonso's son is

4. Why does Miranda urge Ferdinand not to work so hard?

5. What does Antonio offer to do in order to persuade Sebastian to go along with the plan?

(see the answer keys)

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